ࡱ>  s012345678Root EntryContentsu Page 19Symbol 1'Symbol 2 ]Symbol 3cSymbol 4VSymbol 5'Symbol 6GSymbol 7RN Symbol 8 xSymbol 9 cSymbol 10 ]Symbol 11 :Symbol 12 Symbol 13]Symbol 14cSymbol 15]Symbol 16 Symbol 17]Symbol 18]Symbol 19lSymbol 20Symbol 21qSymbol 22Symbol 23 cSymbol 24]Media 1Symbol 25&}Symbol 26,]Symbol 272Symbol 289]Symbol 29?*Symbol 30 `Symbol 31!e]Symbol 32"kSymbol 33#x]Symbol 34$~Symbol 35%Symbol 36&Symbol 37']Symbol 38(Symbol 39) Symbol 40* Symbol 41+Symbol 42, Symbol 43-4Symbol 44.?]Symbol 45/ESymbol 460PSymbol 471[Symbol 482gSymbol 493rSymbol 504y Symbol 515LSymbol 526'Symbol 537Symbol 548Symbol 559Symbol 56:Symbol 57;Symbol 58<Symbol 59=MSymbol 60>Symbol 61?4Symbol 62@cSymbol 63A Symbol 64B~Symbol 65C~Symbol 66D-Symbol 67E=~Symbol 68FC]Symbol 69GIvSymbol 70Hk]Symbol 71Iq:Symbol 72JzSymbol 73K~Symbol 74LSymbol 75M Symbol 76NSymbol 77OSymbol 78P~Symbol 79Q]Symbol 80RcSymbol 81S,Symbol 82TSymbol 83USymbol 84VSymbol 85W|Symbol 86X]Symbol 87YSymbol 88Z ]Symbol 89[Symbol 90\Symbol 91]LSymbol 92^!;Symbol 93_*]Symbol 94`Symbol 95a0.Symbol 96b9 Symbol 97co]Symbol 98duSymbol 99e Symbol 100fSymbol 101gcSymbol 102h]Symbol 103icSymbol 104jSymbol 105kcSymbol 106lqSymbol 107m]Symbol 108n nSymbol 109o.8Symbol 110p?Symbol 111qJcSymbol 112rP]Symbol 113sVSymbol 114t^]Symbol 115ud Symbol 116vQSymbol 117w"Symbol 118xu]Symbol 119y{]Symbol 120z~Symbol 121{Symbol 122|Symbol 123}Symbol 124~Symbol 125Symbol 126GSymbol 127Symbol 128]Symbol 1290x2Symbol 130JSymbol 131 Symbol 132Symbol 133Symbol 134%]Symbol 135V6Symbol 136+]Symbol 1371cSymbol 1387]Symbol 139=cSymbol 140C]Symbol 141I~Symbol 142O]Symbol 143fSymbol 144USymbol 145]Symbol 146rSymbol 147cSymbol 148Symbol 149]Symbol 150Symbol 151vr7Symbol 152Symbol 153Symbol 154cSymbol 155Symbol 156Symbol 157Symbol 158Media 2Symbol 1598Symbol 160 cSymbol 161n Symbol 162<cSymbol 163BSymbol 164N<Symbol 165Symbol 166gWSymbol 167OSymbol 168ycSymbol 169]Symbol 170JSymbol 171Symbol 172Symbol 173Symbol 174gSymbol 175Symbol 176M-Symbol 177Symbol 178#Symbol 179&#  !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !#$%&'()*+,-./123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ[\]^_`abcdeghijklmnopqrstuwxyz{|}~      !"#$%'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrtuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~   CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite@l@ldback? Layer 1prel??$($( backimagemc? Layer 3 ?l l areaback ? Masked Layer 7 - 5?l l mmask? Mask Layer 5?l l siTarget? Masked Layer 9 - 5?X X lline? Masked Layer 15 - 13?X X lmask? Mask Layer 13?l4 l4 rline? Masked Layer 17 - 13?hh!topmc?main? Layer 21?#subbar? Layer 23?H4H4spre?4D4Dllfield?H4H4bpre?4D4Dllfield??4D4Dimlfield? Layer 25?x<x<$sfxc? Layer 44???H4H4sip? Layer 46 ?HHmainhead ? Layer 51 ?mainmenu ? Layer 57?for (i in this) { urlstr = urlstr + ("&" + i + "=" + this[i]); } // end of for...in Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; System.useCodepage = true; MovieClip.prototype.openWin = function (myurl, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable, ypos, xpos) { if (ypos == undefined) { ypos = "\'+((screen.height/2)-(" + h / 2 + "))+\'"; } // end if if (xpos == undefined) { xpos = "\'+((screen.width/2)-(" + w / 2 + "))+\'"; } // end if if (standalone != true) { getURL("javascript:var " + winName + "; if(!" + winName + " || " + winName + ".closed){" + winName + " = window.open(\'" + myurl + "\',\'" + winName + "\',\'" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=" + toolbar + ",location=" + location + ",directories=" + directories + ",status=" + status + ",menubar=" + menubar + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",top=" + ypos + ",left=" + xpos + "\')}else{" + winName + ".focus();};void(0);", ""); } // end if }; checkres = function () { for (i = _url.length; i > 0; i--) { if (_url.charAt(i) == "/") { myurl = _url.substring(0, i + 1); break; } // end if } // end of for _global.screenx = System.capabilities.screenResolutionX; _global.screeny = System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; if (popped != "true" && standalone != true) { if (screenx == 800) { if (configlowrespopup) { popurl = myurl + "index." + _global.configserverextension + "?popped=true" + urlstr; openWin(popurl, "_____imageVue_____", 700, 500); loadMovieNum(configglobalpath + "lowres.swf", 0); } else { play (); } // end else if } else { play (); } // end else if } else { play (); } // end else if }; checksubversion = function () { playerVersion = getVersion(); _global.sos = playerVersion.substring(0, 3); li = playerVersion.lastIndexOf(","); fi = playerVersion.indexOf(","); si = playerVersion.indexOf(",", fi + 1); _global.subVersion = Number(playerVersion.substring(si + 1, li)); _global.mainVersion = Number(playerVersion.substring(fi - 1, fi)); }; dbackon = false; if (_level0.mdm_appdir != undefined) { _global.zinc = true; } // end if if (System.capabilities.playerType == "StandAlone" || System.capabilities.playerType == "External" || zinc) { getURL("FSCommand:fullscreen", true); getURL("FSCommand:allowscale", false); _global.standalone = true; _root.rootcheck = true; if (rootcheck) { dbackon = true; dback._width = 3000; dback._height = 3000; dback._x = -1150; dback._y = -1150; } // end if delete _root.rootcheck; } // end if if (!dbackon) { dback.swapDepths(999); dback.removeMovieClip(); } // end if MovieClip.prototype.globalcol = function (col) { if (col == undefined) { col = _global.configtextcol; } // end if if (col.length == 8 && col.indexOf("0x") != -1) { col = col.substr(2, col.length); } // end if tempcol = new Color(this); tempcol.setRGB(parseInt("0x" + col)); }; prel.globalcol(textcol); checksubversion(); _global.rootalias = this; if (mainVersion > 6) { my_cm = new ContextMenu(menuHandler); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); _root.menu = my_cm; } else { Stage.showMenu = false; } // end else if stop (); ?P _global.comparecol = function (col) { if (col == "bgcol") { var _loc1 = configbgcol; } else if (col == "textcol") { _loc1 = configtextcol; } else { _loc1 = col; } // end else if return (_loc1); }; setbarcolor = function () { if (configbarcol[0] == "textcol") { setbarcol = configtextcol; } else if (configbarcol[0] == "bgcol") { setbarcol = configbgcol; } else if (configbarcol != false) { setbarcol = configbarcol[0]; } // end else if if (configbarcol[1] == "textcol") { setbartextcol = configtextcol; } else if (configbarcol[1] == "bgcol") { setbartextcol = configbgcol; } else if (configbarcol != false) { setbartextcol = configbarcol[1]; } // end else if }; barstep1 = function () { if (configbarcol != false && configbarcol != undefined) { this.lline.globalcol(setbarcol); this.rline.globalcol(setbarcol); this.topmc.globalcol(setbarcol); this.subbar.globalcol(setbarcol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.barstep2 = function () { if (configbarcol != false && configbarcol != undefined) { this.drag.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.minmax.globalcol(setbartextcol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.barstep3 = function () { if (configbarcol != false && configbarcol != undefined) { this.topmc.globalcol(setbarcol); this.subbar.globalcol(setbarcol); this.left.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.right.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.controlpanel.cdrag.ai.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.controlpanel.cdrag.dragb.globalcol(setbarcol); this.controlpanel.navihead.globalcol(setbartextcol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.barstep4 = function () { if (configbarcol != false && configbarcol != undefined) { this.globalcol(setbartextcol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.barstep5 = function () { if (configbarcol != false && configbarcol != undefined) { this.naviclose.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.navihead.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.moveme.ai.globalcol(setbartextcol); this.moveme.dragb.globalcol(setbarcol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.versionbug = function () { if (mainVersion > 6) { this.topmc._x = 15; this.topmc._y = 19; this.subbar._x = 15; this.subbar._y = 392; } // end if }; createclosebutton = function () { attachMovie("naviclose", "naviclose", 150); naviclose.globalcol(configtextcol); naviclose._x = 670 + Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2); naviclose._y = 20 - Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2); naviclose.onPress = function () { fscommand("quit"); }; naviclose.onRollOver = function () { createpopbox("tinfo", 998, 0, 10, rootalias.aliasclose, 0, verdanaformat, true, true); this.mfade({_alpha: 50}, 3); }; naviclose.onRollOut = naviclose.onDragOut = function () { tinfo.popstop(); this.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); }; }; if (_global.standalone) { createclosebutton(); } // end if versionbug(); setbarcolor(); barstep1(); ?q_global.kro53 = new TextFormat(); _global.kro53.font = "kroeger 05_53"; _global.kro53.size = "8"; Movieclip.prototype.openWinCentre = function (url, winName, w, h, toolbar, location, directories, status, menubar, scrollbars, resizable) { getURL("javascript:var myWin; if(!myWin || myWin.closed){myWin = window.open(\'" + url + "\',\'" + winName + "\',\'" + "width=" + w + ",height=" + h + ",toolbar=" + toolbar + ",location=" + location + ",directories=" + directories + ",status=" + status + ",menubar=" + menubar + ",scrollbars=" + scrollbars + ",resizable=" + resizable + ",top=\'+((screen.height/2)-(" + h / 2 + "))+\',left=\'+((screen.width/2)-(" + w / 2 + "))+\'" + "\')}else{myWin.focus();};void(0);", ""); }; MovieClip.prototype.dotrun = function (mydottext, char, maxdot) { if (char == undefined) { char = "."; } // end if if (maxdot == undefined) { this.maxdot = 4; } else { this.maxdot = maxdot; } // end else if this.dots = 0; this.dotdir = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.dots = this.dots + this.dotdir; if (this.dots >= this.maxdot) { this.dotdir = -1; } else if (this.dots < 1) { this.dotdir = 1; } // end else if this.tempdots = ""; for (dc = 0; dc < this.dots; dc++) { this.tempdots = this.tempdots + char; } // end of for this.mytf.text = mydottext + this.tempdots; }; }; MovieClip.prototype.khead = function (newtext, oldtext, lspeed, blinkdelay, shadowtext, sethtml) { if (sethtml == undefined) { sethtml = true; } // end if this.temptext = oldtext; this.i = oldtext.length; if (lspeed == null) { lspeed = 1; } // end if if (blinkdelay == null) { blinkdelay = 31; } // end if this.temptext = ""; this.counter = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (mylspeed = 0; mylspeed < lspeed; mylspeed++) { this.temptext = this.temptext + newtext.charAt(this.i); if (newtext.charAt(this.i) == "<" && sethtml) { htmlend = newtext.indexOf(">", this.i); htmladd = htmlend - this.i; this.i = this.i + htmladd; this.temptext = newtext.substr(0, this.i); continue; } // end if ++this.i; } // end of for this.mytf.htmlText = this.temptext + "_"; if (shadowtext) { this.mytf2.htmlText = this.temptext + "_"; } // end if if (this.i >= newtext.length) { this.mybool = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.counter; this.mybool = !this.mybool; if (this.mybool == true) { this.mytf.htmlText = this.temptext + "_"; if (shadowtext) { this.mytf2.htmlText = this.temptext + "_"; } // end if } else { this.mytf.htmlText = this.temptext; if (shadowtext) { this.mytf2.htmlText = this.temptext; } // end if } // end else if if (this.counter >= blinkdelay) { this.mytf.htmlText = this.temptext; if (shadowtext) { this.mytf2.htmlText = this.temptext; } // end if this.counter = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.finifunc(); this.done = true; } // end if }; } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.mset = function (prop) { for (i in prop) { this[i] = prop[i]; } // end of for...in }; MovieClip.prototype.mfade = function (prop, de, rem, newdepth, tracer) { this.breakloop = 0; if (newdepth) { this.swapDepths(newdepth); } // end if this.setnum = new Array(); for (i in prop) { this.setnum.push(this[i]); } // end of for...in this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.inum = 0; for (i in prop) { this.setnum[this.inum] = this.setnum[this.inum] + (prop[i] - this.setnum[this.inum]) / de; this[i] = Math.round(this.setnum[this.inum]); if (Math.abs(this.setnum[this.inum] - prop[i]) < 1) { ++this.breakloop; } // end if ++this.inum; } // end of for...in if (this.breakloop == this.inum) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (rem) { if (this.getDepth() < 1) { this.swapDepths(999); } // end if this.removeMovieClip(); } else { this.finifunc(); } // end else if for (i in prop) { this[i] = prop[i]; } // end of for...in } else { this.breakloop = 0; } // end else if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.melastic = function (prop, accel, convert, rem, newdepth) { if (newdepth) { this.swapDepths(newdepth); } // end if this.setnum = new Array(); for (i in prop) { this.setnum.push(this[i]); } // end of for...in this.fcounter = 0; this.cprop = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.inum = 0; for (i in prop) { this.cprop = this.cprop * accel + (prop[i] - this.setnum[this.inum]) * convert; this.setnum[this.inum] = this.setnum[this.inum] + this.cprop; this[i] = this.setnum[this.inum]; ++this.inum; } // end of for...in if (Math.abs(this.setnum[this.inum - 1] - prop[i]) < 1) { ++this.fcounter; if (this.fcounter > 4) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (rem) { if (this.getDepth() < 1) { this.swapDepths(999); } // end if this.removeMovieClip(); } else { this.finifunc(); } // end else if for (i in prop) { this[i] = prop[i]; } // end of for...in } // end if } else { this.fcounter = 0; } // end else if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.mtrig = function (prop, speed, loops, rem) { for (i in prop) { this["startpos" + i] = this[i]; this["delta" + i] = prop[i] - this[i]; } // end of for...in this.x = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.x = this.x + speed; this.c = Math.sin(this.x) * Math.sin(this.x) * Math.sin(this.x); for (i in prop) { this[i] = this["startpos" + i] + this.c * this["delta" + i]; } // end of for...in if (this.x >= 3.141593E+000 * loops) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (rem) { this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if this.x = 0; for (i in prop) { this[i] = prop[i]; } // end of for...in this.finifunc(); this._parent.mfini(); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.settransstatic = function (ra, ga, ba, rb, gb, bb) { this.mycol = new Color(this); this.mycol.setTransform({ra: ra, ga: ga, ba: ba, rb: rb, gb: gb, bb: bb}); }; MovieClip.prototype.settransb = function (c, d) { this.mycol = new Color(this); if (this.sc == undefined) { this.sc = 0; } // end if this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.sc = this.sc + (c - this.sc) / d; this.mycol.setTransform({rb: this.sc, gb: this.sc, bb: this.sc}); if (Math.abs(this.sc - c) < 1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.sc = c; this.mycol.setTransform({rb: this.sc, gb: this.sc, bb: this.sc}); this.finifunc(); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.settranscolz = function (r, g, b, d) { this.mycol = new Color(this); if (this.cr == undefined) { this.cr = 100; this.cg = 100; this.cb = 100; } // end if this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.cr = this.cr + (r - this.cr) / d; this.cg = this.cg + (g - this.cg) / d; this.cb = this.cb + (b - this.cb) / d; this.mycol.setTransform({rb: this.cr, gb: this.cg, bb: this.cb}); if (Math.abs(this.cr - r) < 2 && Math.abs(this.cg - g) < 2 && Math.abs(this.cb - b) < 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.cr = r; this.cg = g; this.cb = b; this.mycol.setTransform({rb: this.cr, gb: this.cg, bb: this.cb}); this.finifunc(); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.cshine = function (r, g, b, d) { this.mycol = new Color(this); if (this.cr == undefined) { this.cr = 100; this.cg = 100; this.cb = 100; } // end if this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.cr = this.cr + (r - this.cr) / d; this.cg = this.cg + (g - this.cg) / d; this.cb = this.cb + (b - this.cb) / d; this.mycol.setTransform({ra: this.cr, ga: this.cg, ba: this.cb}); if (Math.abs(this.cr - r) < 2 && Math.abs(this.cg - g) < 2 && Math.abs(this.cb - b) < 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.cr = r; this.cg = g; this.cb = b; this.mycol.setTransform({ra: this.cr, ga: this.cg, ba: this.cb}); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.setcolor = function (col) { this.mycol = new Color(this); this.mycol.setRGB("0x" + col); }; _global.checksubversion = function () { playerVersion = _root.$version; _global.sos = playerVersion.substring(0, 3); li = playerVersion.lastIndexOf(","); fi = playerVersion.indexOf(","); si = playerVersion.indexOf(",", fi + 1); _global.mainVersion = Number(playerVersion.substring(fi - 1, fi)); _global.subVersion = Number(playerVersion.substring(si + 1, li)); }; MovieClip.prototype.square = function (x, y, w, h, col) { if (col == undefined) { col = 13421772; } // end if this.beginFill(col, 100); this.moveTo(x, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y); this.lineTo(x + w, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y + h); this.lineTo(x, y); this.endFill(); }; MovieClip.prototype.outline = function (x, y, w, h, col) { this.square(0, 0, w, 1, col); this.square(w - 1, 1, 1, h - 2, col); this.square(0, h - 1, w, 1, col); this.square(0, 1, 1, h - 2, col); }; TextFormat.prototype.copyFormat = function (copystyle) { for (i in copystyle) { this[i] = copystyle[i]; } // end of for...in }; MovieClip.prototype.mcreateoutline = function (n, w, h, d, col) { var _loc2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip(n, d); _loc2.square(2, 0, w - 4, 1, col); _loc2.square(w - 2, 1, 1, 1, col); _loc2.square(w - 1, 2, 1, h - 4, col); _loc2.square(w - 2, h - 2, 1, 1, col); _loc2.square(2, h - 1, w - 4, 1, col); _loc2.square(1, h - 2, 1, 1, col); _loc2.square(0, 2, 1, h - 4, col); _loc2.square(1, 1, 1, 1, col); }; MovieClip.prototype.mcreateoutline2 = function (n, w, h, d, col) { var _loc2 = this.createEmptyMovieClip(n, d); _loc2.square(1, 0, w - 2, 1, col); _loc2.square(w - 1, 1, 1, h - 2, col); _loc2.square(1, h - 1, w - 2, 1, col); _loc2.square(0, 1, 1, h - 2, col); }; MovieClip.prototype.mcreateblock2 = function (n, w, h, d, col) { this.mcreateoutline2(n, w, h, d, col); this[n].square(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, col); }; Array.prototype.arraytonum = function () { for (var _loc2 = 0; _loc2 < this.length; ++_loc2) { if (Number(this[_loc2]) / Number(this[_loc2]) == 1) { this[_loc2] = Number(this[_loc2]); } // end if } // end of for }; MovieClip.prototype.dragitem = function () { this.maxx = Stage.width - this._width - (Stage.width - 700) / 2; this.minx = -(Stage.width - 700) / 2; this.maxy = Stage.height - this._height - (Stage.height - 500) / 2; this.miny = -(Stage.height - 500) / 2; this.offx = this._xmouse + rootalias._x; this.offy = this._ymouse + rootalias._y; this.onMouseMove = function () { this.dragupdate(); this.x = _root._xmouse - this.offx; this.y = _root._ymouse - this.offy; if (this.x > this.maxx) { this.x = this.maxx; } else if (this.x < this.minx) { this.x = this.minx; } // end else if if (this.y > this.maxy) { this.y = this.maxy; } else if (this.y < this.miny) { this.y = this.miny; } // end else if this._x = Math.round(this.x); this._y = Math.round(this.y); updateAfterEvent(); }; }; MovieClip.prototype.removestatic = function () { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); }; globalStyleFormat.textFont = "standard 07_53"; globalStyleFormat.textSize = 8; globalStyleFormat.textColor = 3355443; globalStyleFormat.embedFonts = true; globalStyleFormat.applyChanges(); _global.standardformat = new TextFormat(); _global.standardformat.font = "standard 07_53"; _global.standardformat.size = "8"; _global.standardformat.color = 3355443; _global.standardformat.embedFonts = true; _global.standardformat.leading = 1; _global.standardformat63 = new TextFormat(); _global.standardformat63.copyFormat(standardformat); _global.standardformat63.font = "standard 07_63"; _global.standardlistformat = new TextFormat(); _global.standardlistformat.copyFormat(standardformat); _global.standardlistformat.leading = 3; _global.verdanaformat = new TextFormat(); _global.verdanaformat.font = "Verdana"; _global.verdanaformat.size = "10"; _global.verdanaformat.color = 3355443; _global.verdanaformat.leading = 1; _global.verdanaformat.html = true; _global.verdanaformat.multiline = true; _global.verdanaformat.wordWrap = true; _global.attformat = new TextFormat(); _global.attformat.size = "8"; _global.attformat.color = 3355443; _global.attformat.leading = 2; MovieClip.prototype.popup = function (myurl, heading, mywidth, myheight) { getURL("javascript:popImage(\'" + myurl + "\',\'" + heading + "\',\'" + mywidth + "\',\'" + myheight + "\')", ""); }; MovieClip.prototype.infotextDisabled = function (fname, amount) { if (atstart == 1) { fystart = 75; mystart = _ymouse; deltay = fystart - mystart; folderinfo._y = _ymouse + deltay; folderinfo._x = mainmenu.imenu._x + mainmenu.imenu._width + 10; if (folderinfo._x + folderinfo._width > 690) { folderinfo._x = 690 - folderinfo._width; } // end if folderinfo.onMouseMove = function () { this._y = _ymouse + deltay; updateAfterEvent(); }; this.infoXML = new XML(); this.infoXML.load("comments/" + fname + ".txt"); this.infoXML.onData = function (data) { if (amount != undefined) { folderinfo.myt = "" + amount + " images

" + data; } else { folderinfo.myt = data; } // end else if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.infotextrem = function () { this.infoXML.onData = null; delete this.infoXML; folderinfo.myt = ""; folderinfo.mytf.text = ""; delete folderinfo.onMouseMove; }; MovieClip.prototype.draghandfunc = function () { setfx("ns3", 0, 50); this.attachMovie("draghand", "draghand", 99); this.draghand._x = this._xmouse; this.draghand._y = this._ymouse; Mouse.hide(); this.draghand.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = this._parent._xmouse; this._y = this._parent._ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }; }; MovieClip.prototype.horiscroller = function () { with (this._parent) { attachMovie("maskpiece", "maskpiece", 449); maskpiece._x = mytext._x; maskpiece._y = mytext._y; maskpiece._width = mytext._width + 4; maskpiece._height = mytext._height; mytext.setMask(maskpiece); } // End of with this.createEmptyMovieClip("scrollhandler", 522); this.scrollhandler.pausecounter = 0; this.scrollhandler.pause = true; this.scrollhandler.dir = 1; this.scrollhandler.dirchange = true; this.scrollhandler.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this.setauto) { this._parent.mytf.autoSize = true; this.setauto = true; } // end if if (!this.pause) { this._parent._x = this._parent._x - this.dir; } // end if if (this.dirchange) { this.pause = true; ++this.pausecounter; if (this.pausecounter == 31) { this.dirchange = false; this.pause = false; this.pausecounter = 0; } // end if } // end if if (this._parent._x <= -(this._parent.mytf._width - this._parent._parent.maskpiece._width)) { this.dir = -1; this.dirchange = true; } else if (this._parent._x > 16) { this.dir = 1; this.dirchange = true; } // end else if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.trigmove = function (trigxpos, trigypos, trigspeed, trigremclip) { if (trigspeed == undefined) { trigspeed = 1.000000E-001; } // end if this.createEmptyMovieClip("motionhandler", 709); this.motionhandler.trigstartposx = this._x; this.motionhandler.trigstartposy = this._y; this.motionhandler.trigdeltax = trigxpos - this._x; this.motionhandler.trigdeltay = trigypos - this._y; if (this.motionhandler.trigx == undefined) { this.motionhandler.trigx = 0; } // end if this.motionhandler.onEnterFrame = function () { this.trigx = this.trigx + trigspeed; this.trigc = Math.sin(this.trigx) * Math.sin(this.trigx); this._parent._y = Math.round(this.trigstartposy + this.trigc * this.trigdeltay); this._parent._x = Math.round(this.trigstartposx + this.trigc * this.trigdeltax); if (this.trigx >= 1.570796E+000) { if (trigremclip) { this._parent.removeMovieClip(); } // end if this._parent.trigfinifunc(); this.trigx = 0; this._parent._y = trigypos; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.tnlfadein = function () { this.mycolf = new Color(this); this.ca = 300; this.cb = 200; this.mycolf.setTransform({ra: this.ca, ga: this.ca, ba: this.ca, rb: this.cb, gb: this.cb, bb: this.cb}); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.ca = this.ca - 40; this.cb = this.cb - 40; this.mycolf.setTransform({ra: this.ca, ga: this.ca, ba: this.ca, rb: this.cb, gb: this.cb, bb: this.cb}); if (this.ca <= 100) { this.mycolf.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 0, gb: 0, bb: 0}); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.attachinfo = function (rollaction, imagename, imagewidth, imageheight, imagesize, imagedate, rolldescription, preanim, mfade, displayimagename) { if (this.dbeenhere == undefined) { this.dbeenhere = false; } // end if if (this.dloaded == undefined) { this.dloaded = false; } // end if trace ("BEENHERE: " + this.dbeenhere); trace ("ROLLDESCRIPTION: " + rolldescription); trace ("DLOADED: " + this.dloaded); if (!this.dbeenhere) { this.attribinfo = ""; this.dbeenhere = true; if (rollaction != undefined && rollaction != false) { this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + ("" + rollaction + ""); } // end if if (displayimagename) { if (this.attribinfo.length) { this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + "
"; } // end if this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + ("" + checkhideextension(imagename)); } // end if if (imagewidth != undefined && imagewidth != false) { if (this.attribinfo.length) { this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + "

"; } // end if this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + ("" + rootalias.aliasdimensions + ": " + imagewidth + " x " + imageheight); } // end if if (imagesize != undefined && imagesize != false) { if (this.attribinfo.length) { this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + "
"; } // end if this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + ("" + rootalias.aliassize + ": " + Math.round(Number(imagesize) / 1024) + " Kb"); } // end if if (imagedate != undefined && imagesize != false) { if (this.attribinfo.length) { this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + "
"; } // end if imagedate = stringtodate(imagedate); this.attribinfo = this.attribinfo + ("" + rootalias.aliasdate + ": " + imagedate + "
"); } // end if } // end if if (this.attribinfo.length) { if (this.infoXML.result.length > 4) { w = 250; } else { w = 0; } // end else if rootalias.createpopbox("tinfo", 998, w, 10, this.attribinfo, 0, verdanaformat, preanim, mfade); } // end if if (!this.dloaded) { if (rolldescription || configimageclicklink == "link") { _global.currentdescription = ""; delete this.infoXML.onLoad; delete this.infoXML; this.infoXML = new LoadVars(); this.infoXML.ignoreWhite = true; this.infoXML.curclip = this; infofilez = configglobalpath + "gettxt." + configserverextension + "?ref=" + _global.configfolder + imagename; this.infoXML.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { _global.currentdescription = this.result; this.curclip.dloaded = true; if (this.result != "none" && this.result != "") { if (this.curclip.genover) { if (rolldescription) { if (this.curclip.attribinfo.length) { this.curclip.attribinfo = this.curclip.attribinfo + "

"; } // end if this.curclip.attribinfo = this.curclip.attribinfo + ("" + rootalias.aliasdescription + "
" + this.result); rootalias.createpopbox("tinfo", 998, 250, 10, this.curclip.attribinfo, 0, verdanaformat, false, false); false; } // end if } else { false; } // end else if } else { false; } // end else if } else { false; } // end else if }; this.infoXML.load(infofilez); } // end if } // end if }; _global.stringtodate = function (mystr) { year = mystr.substr(4, 2); if (Number(year) < 20) { year = "20" + year; } else { year = "19" + year; } // end else if finaldate = mystr.substr(2, 2) + ". " + nmonths[Number(mystr.substr(0, 2)) - 1] + " " + year; if (finaldate.charAt(0) == "0") { finaldate = finaldate.substring(1, finaldate.length); } // end if return (finaldate); }; _global.checkhideextension = function (str) { if (confighideextension) { if (str.indexOf(".jpg") != -1 || str.indexOf(".JPG") != -1) { return (str.substr(0, str.length - 4)); } else { return (str); } // end else if } else { return (str); } // end else if }; Array.prototype.arraytofalse = function (ci) { if (this[1] != undefined) { tpipop = false; for (i = 0; i < this.length; i++) { trace (i); if (this[i] != false) { tpipop = true; break; } // end if } // end of for if (!tpipop) { _global[ci] = false; } // end if delete tpipop; } // end if }; getgrey = function (hex) { var _loc2 = isNaN(hex) ? (parseInt(hex, 16)) : (hex); var _loc1 = _loc2 >> 16; var _loc3 = (_loc2 ^ _loc1 << 16) >> 8; var _loc5 = _loc2 ^ _loc1 << 16 ^ _loc3 << 8; gray = Math.round(3.000000E-001 * _loc1 + 5.900000E-001 * _loc3 + 1.100000E-001 * _loc5); return (gray); }; popcol2 = function (hex) { var _loc4 = isNaN(hex) ? (parseInt(hex, 16)) : (hex); var _loc1 = _loc4 >> 16; var _loc2 = (_loc4 ^ _loc1 << 16) >> 8; var _loc3 = _loc4 ^ _loc1 << 16 ^ _loc2 << 8; _loc1 = _loc1 + Math.round((255 - _loc1) / 1.500000E+000); _loc2 = _loc2 + Math.round((255 - _loc2) / 1.500000E+000); _loc3 = _loc3 + Math.round((255 - _loc3) / 1.500000E+000); _loc1 = _loc1.toString(16); _loc2 = _loc2.toString(16); _loc3 = _loc3.toString(16); _loc1 = _loc1.length < 2 ? ("0" + _loc1) : (_loc1); _loc2 = _loc2.length < 2 ? ("0" + _loc2) : (_loc2); _loc3 = _loc3.length < 2 ? ("0" + _loc3) : (_loc3); return ((_loc1 + _loc2 + _loc3).toUpperCase()); }; a = getgrey("0x" + configtextcol); b = getgrey("0x" + configbgcol); if (a > b) { _global.configpopcol = configbgcol; } else { _global.configpopcol = configtextcol; } // end else if _global.configpopcol2 = popcol2("0x" + _global.configpopcol); _global.configthumbpopinfo.arraytofalse("configthumbpopinfo"); _global.configimagepopinfo.arraytofalse("configimagepopinfo"); _global.configthumbattribpopinfo.arraytofalse("configthumbattribpopinfo"); if (configthumbframe[0] != false || configthumbframe[0].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { if (configthumbframe[0] == "textcol") { _global.configthumbframe[0] = configtextcol; } else if (configthumbframe[0] == "bgcol") { _global.configthumbframe[0] = configbgcol; } // end if } // end if } // end else if if (configthumbframe[1] != false || configthumbframe[1].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { if (configthumbframe[1] == "textcol") { _global.configthumbframe[1] = configtextcol; } else if (configthumbframe[1] == "bgcol") { _global.configthumbframe[1] = configbgcol; } // end if } // end if } // end else if ?<if (configsfx) { spre.globalcol(configtextcol); spre.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); spre.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 998); spre.field.khead("SFX", "", 3, 31); loadMovie(configglobalpath + "sfxlib.swf", sfxc); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = sfxc.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = sfxc.getBytesTotal(); mypercent = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 100); percent = mypercent; spre.bar._xscale = spre.bar._xscale + (percent - spre.bar._xscale) / 2; if (myload == mytotal && myload > 1000) { delete this.onEnterFrame; spre.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 242}, 2, true); soi = SharedObject.getLocal("ivfzz"); if (soi.data.sfxstate || soi.data.sfxstate == undefined) { sfxstate = true; } else { sfxstate = false; } // end else if sfx = new Sound(sfxc); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.setfx = function (idname, loops, vol) { if (sfxstate) { sfx.attachSound(idname); sfx.start(0, loops); if (vol == undefined) { vol = 100; } // end if sfx.setVolume(vol); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.stopfx = function () { if (sfxstate) { sfx.stop(); } // end if }; stop (); } // end if ?mylang = new LoadVars(); mylang.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { delete this.onLoad; trace (this); for (i in this) { rootalias[i] = this[i]; } // end of for...in gotoAndStop(6); llfield.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 242}, 2, true); } // end if }; llfield.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); llfield.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 997); llfield.field.dotrun("INPUT"); llfield.globalcol(configtextcol); mylang.load(configglobalpath + "getconfig." + configserverextension + "?configfile=" + configtext + "§ion=language"); stop (); ? loadbackground = function () { if (configbackimage.length && configbackimage != false) { backimagemc.alignTL(); bpre.globalcol(configtextcol); bpre.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); bpre.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 996); bpre.field.khead(loadingbackground.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 31); backimagemc.createEmptyMovieClip("duh", 1); loadMovie(configglobalpath + configbackimage, backimagemc.duh); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = backimagemc.duh.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = backimagemc.duh.getBytesTotal(); mypercent = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 100); percent = mypercent; bpre.bar._xscale = bpre.bar._xscale + (percent - bpre.bar._xscale) / 3; if (myload == mytotal && myload > 60 && backimagemc._width > 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; bpre.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 242}, 2, true); backloaded(); } // end if }; } else { gotoAndStop(7); } // end else if }; backloaded = function () { backimagemc.mset({_alpha: 0}); backimagemc.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); backimagemc.alignTL(configbackalign); backimagemc.stageresizealign("stagelistener", configbackalign); gotoAndStop(7); }; MovieClip.prototype.alignTL = function (ap, fade) { var _loc4 = Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2); var _loc2 = Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2); if (ap == "M") { this.xt = -Math.round((this._width - 700) / 2); this.yt = -Math.round((this._height - 500) / 2); } else if (ap == "T") { this.xt = -Math.round((this._width - 700) / 2); this.yt = -_loc2; } else if (ap == "TR") { this.xt = Math.round(Stage.width - this._width - _loc4); this.yt = -_loc2; } else if (ap == "R") { this.xt = Math.round(Stage.width - this._width - _loc4); this.yt = -Math.round((this._height - 500) / 2); } else if (ap == "BR") { this.xt = Math.round(Stage.width - this._width - _loc4); this.yt = Math.round(Stage.height - this._height - _loc2); } else if (ap == "B") { this.xt = -Math.round((this._width - 700) / 2); this.yt = Math.round(Stage.height - this._height - _loc2); } else if (ap == "BL") { this.xt = -_loc4; this.yt = Math.round(Stage.height - this._height - _loc2); } else if (ap == "L") { this.xt = -_loc4; this.yt = -Math.round((this._height - 500) / 2); } else { this.xt = -_loc4; this.yt = -_loc2; } // end else if if (fade) { this.mfade({_x: this.xt, _y: this.yt}, 2); } else { this.mset({_x: this.xt, _y: this.yt}); } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.stageresizealign = function (listenername, ap, fade) { this[listenername] = new Object(); this[listenername].clip = this; this[listenername].onResize = function () { this.clip.alignTL(ap, fade); }; Stage.addListener(this[listenername]); this.onUnload = function () { Stage.removeListener(this[listenername]); }; }; nmonths = new Array(); nmonths = months.split(","); loadbackground(); ?&3checksitemenu = function () { if (configsitemenu != "false" && configsitemenu != "") { if (configsitemenu == "true") { configsitemenu = "sitemenu.ini"; } // end if llfield.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); llfield.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 997); llfield.field.dotrun("INPUT"); llfield.globalcol(configtextcol); loadsitemenudata(); } else { gotoAndStop(10); } // end else if }; loadsitemenudata = function () { mysitemenu = new LoadVars(); mysitemenu.onLoad = function (success) { llfield.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 242}, 2, true); if (success) { tezt.text = unescape(mysitemenu); createsitemenu(); } else { trace ("can not load site menu"); } // end else if gotoAndStop(10); }; mysitemenu.load(configglobalpath + "getconfig." + configserverextension + "?configfile=" + configsitemenu); }; createsitemenu = function () { if (Number(mysitemenu.opacity) > 50) { smroalpha = Number(mysitemenu.opacity) - 20; } else { smroalpha = Number(mysitemenu.opacity) + 20; } // end else if var _loc1 = createEmptyMovieClip("sitemenumc", 88); _loc1.createEmptyMovieClip("back", 1); if (mysitemenu.height == "auto") { createTextField("smtemp", 999, 0, 0, 100, 100); smtemp.text = "test"; smtemp.autoSize = true; smheight = smtemp._height; if (mysitemenu.font != "" && mysitemenu.font != undefined) { smformat = new TextFormat(); smformat.font = mysitemenu.font; smformat.size = mysitemenu.fontsize; smformat.bold = mysitemenu.fontbold; smtemp.setTextFormat(smformat); } else { smtemp.setTextFormat(standardformat); } // end else if mysitemenu.height = smheight + Number(mysitemenu.buttonvmargin) * 2; smtemp.removeTextField(); } // end if _loc1.back._alpha = Number(mysitemenu.opacity); _loc1.back.square(0, 0, 1, Number(mysitemenu.height)); _loc1.back.setcolor(comparecol(mysitemenu.color)); smresob = new Object(); smresob.onResize = function () { sitemenumc.setmenualign(); }; Stage.addListener(smresob); checklinkamount(); checkautohide(); _loc1.setmenualign(); }; checkautohide = function () { if (mysitemenu.autohide == "1") { sitemenumc._y = -Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smvadd - Number(mysitemenu.height); var _loc1 = sitemenumc.createEmptyMovieClip("menubutton", 30); _loc1._y = Number(mysitemenu.height) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin); _loc1.createTextField("tf", 2, 10, 5, 300, 100); _loc1.tf.selectable = false; _loc1.tf.autoSize = true; _loc1.tf.setNewTextFormat(standardformat); _loc1.tf.textColor = "0x" + comparecol(mysitemenu.fontcolor); if (mysitemenu.align == "right") { _loc1.tf.text = "<< " + mysitemenu.autohidemenutext; } else if (mysitemenu.align == "center") { _loc1.tf.text = "< " + mysitemenu.autohidemenutext + " >"; } else { _loc1.tf.text = mysitemenu.autohidemenutext + " >>"; } // end else if _loc1.useHandCursor = false; _loc1.onRollOver = function () { if (!smshow) { sitemenumc.setsmshow(); } // end if }; _loc1.createEmptyMovieClip("back", 1); _loc1.back.square(0, 0, 1, _loc1.tf._height + 10); _loc1.back._width = Math.round(Stage.width - Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) * 2); _loc1.back.setcolor(comparecol(mysitemenu.color)); _loc1.back._alpha = Number(mysitemenu.autohidemenuopacity); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.setsmshow = function () { smshow = false; this.onMouseMove = function () { if (!this.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { if (smshow) { clearInterval(sethideinterval); smshow = false; sethideinterval = setInterval(sethide, 500); } // end if } else if (!smshow) { setfx("button2", 0, 40); clearInterval(sethideinterval); smshow = true; sitemenumc.melastic({_y: -Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smvadd}, 4.000000E-001, 4.000000E-001); sitemenumc.menubutton.mfade({_y: Number(mysitemenu.height) + 1}, 2); } // end else if }; }; sethide = function () { setfx("button2", 0, 40); clearInterval(sethideinterval); delete sitemenumc.onMouseMove; sitemenumc.mfade({_y: -Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smvadd - Number(mysitemenu.height) - Number(mysitemenu.menumargin)}, 2); sitemenumc.menubutton.mfade({_y: Number(mysitemenu.height) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin)}, 2); }; MovieClip.prototype.setmenualign = function () { if (Math.round(Stage.width / 2) == Stage.width / 2) { smhadd = 0; } else { smhadd = 1; } // end else if if (Math.round(Stage.height / 2) == Stage.height / 2) { smvadd = 0; } else { smvadd = 1; } // end else if this._x = -Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smhadd; if (mysitemenu.autohide == "1") { this._y = -Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smvadd - Number(mysitemenu.height) - Number(mysitemenu.menumargin); } else { this._y = -Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2) + Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) + smvadd; } // end else if this.back._width = Stage.width - Number(mysitemenu.menumargin) * 2; this.menubutton.back._width = this.back._width; if (mysitemenu.align == "right") { this.menubutton.tf._x = this.back._width - this.menubutton.tf._width - 10; var _loc2 = this.back._width - Number(mysitemenu.startmargin); for (i = links; i > 0; i--) { _loc2 = _loc2 - (this["l" + i]._width + Number(mysitemenu.buttongap)); this["l" + i]._x = _loc2; } // end of for } else if (mysitemenu.align == "center") { this.menubutton.tf._x = Math.round(this.back._width / 2 - this.menubutton.tf._width / 2); var _loc3 = 0; for (i = 1; i < links + 1; i++) { _loc3 = _loc3 + (this["l" + i]._width + Number(mysitemenu.buttongap)); } // end of for var _loc4 = Math.round(this.back._width / 2 - _loc3 / 2); _loc2 = _loc4; for (i = 1; i < links + 1; i++) { this["l" + i]._x = _loc2; _loc2 = _loc2 + (this["l" + i]._width + Number(mysitemenu.buttongap)); } // end of for } // end else if this.lmask.clear(); this.lmask.square(0, 0, this.l1._x - Number(mysitemenu.buttongap), Number(mysitemenu.height)); this.lmask.square(this["l" + links]._x + this["l" + links]._width + Number(mysitemenu.buttongap), 0, this.back._width - (this["l" + links]._x + this["l" + links]._width - Number(mysitemenu.buttongap)), Number(mysitemenu.height)); }; checklinkamount = function () { links = 0; do { ++links; } while (mysitemenu.toString().indexOf(String("link" + links)) != -1) --links; createsmitems(); }; createsmitems = function () { ++ic; if (ic < links) { var _loc1 = sitemenumc.createEmptyMovieClip("l" + (ic + 1), ic + 2); _loc1._x = smitempos + Number(mysitemenu.startmargin); _loc1.mynum = ic + 1; if (mysitemenu["link" + (ic + 1)].toLowerCase().indexOf(".jpg") != -1 || mysitemenu["link" + (ic + 1)].toLowerCase().indexOf(".gif") != -1 || mysitemenu["link" + (ic + 1)].toLowerCase().indexOf(".png") != -1 || mysitemenu["link" + (ic + 1)].toLowerCase().indexOf(".swf") != -1) { getsmimage(_loc1); } else { _loc1.setsmtext(); smitempos = smitempos + (smitemwidth + Number(mysitemenu.buttongap)); createsmitems(); } // end else if } else { sitemenumc.setmenualign(); sitemenumc.setlmask(); } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.setlmask = function () { this.createEmptyMovieClip("lmask", 233); this.back.setMask(this.lmask); }; getsmimage = function (l) { loadMovie(mysitemenu["link" + (ic + 1)], l); sitemenumc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (l.getBytesLoaded() == l.getBytesTotal() && l._width > 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; if (l._height <= Number(mysitemenu.height)) { l._y = Math.round(Number(mysitemenu.height) / 2 - l._height / 2); } // end if l.mynum = ic + 1; l.setsmbutton(ic + 1); smitemwidth = Math.round(sitemenumc["l" + (ic + 1)]._width); smitempos = smitempos + smitemwidth; createsmitems(); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.setsmtext = function () { this.createTextField("smtext", 2, Number(mysitemenu.buttonhmargin), 0, 100, 30); this.smtext.html = true; this.smtext.htmlText = mysitemenu["link" + this.mynum]; if (mysitemenu.font != "" && mysitemenu.font != undefined) { smformat = new TextFormat(); smformat.font = mysitemenu.font; smformat.size = mysitemenu.fontsize; this.smtext.setTextFormat(smformat); this.smtext.embedFonts = false; } else { this.smtext.embedFonts = true; this.smtext.setTextFormat(standardformat); } // end else if this.smtext.autoSize = true; this.smtext._y = Math.floor(Number(mysitemenu.height) / 2 - this.smtext._height / 2); this.smtext.textColor = "0x" + comparecol(mysitemenu.fontcolor); this.setsmitem(); }; MovieClip.prototype.setsmitem = function () { this.createEmptyMovieClip("lback", 1); smitemwidth = Math.round(this.smtext._width + Number(mysitemenu.buttonhmargin) * 2); this.cwidth = smitemwidth; this.lback.square(0, 0, smitemwidth, Number(mysitemenu.height), "0x" + comparecol(mysitemenu.color)); this.lback._alpha = Number(mysitemenu.opacity); trace (mysitemenu["link" + this.mynum + "rollover"] + " : " + mysitemenu["link" + this.mynum + "click"]); if (mysitemenu["link" + this.mynum + "rollover"] != "" || mysitemenu["link" + this.mynum + "click"] != "") { this.lback.setsmbutton(this.mynum); this.smtext.selectable = false; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.setsmbutton = function (e) { var _loc2 = mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"]; if (_loc2 == "false" || _loc2 == "" || _loc2 == undefined) { this.useHandCursor = false; } // end if this.onRollOver = function () { if (mysitemenu.soundfx == "1") { setfx("ns2", 1, 30); } // end if trace ("linkXrollover: " + mysitemenu["link" + e + "rollover"]); if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "rollover"] == "tooltip") { createpopbox("smpop", 998, 300, 12, mysitemenu["link" + e + "rolloverdata"], 0, verdanaformat, true, true); } // end if this.mfade({_alpha: smroalpha}, 3); }; this.onRollOut = this.onDragOut = function () { if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "rollover"] == "tooltip") { smpop.popstop(); } // end if this.mfade({_alpha: Number(mysitemenu.opacity)}, 3); }; this.onPress = function () { if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"] == "tooltip") { createpopbox("smpop", 998, 300, 12, mysitemenu["link" + e + "clickdata"], 0, verdanaformat, true, true); } else if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"] == "_blank") { getURL(mysitemenu["link" + e + "clickdata"], "_blank"); } else if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"] == "_self") { getURL(mysitemenu["link" + e + "clickdata"], "_self"); } else if (mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"].indexOf("popup") != -1) { var _loc1 = new Array(); _loc1 = mysitemenu["link" + e + "click"].split(","); openWin(mysitemenu["link" + e + "clickdata"], "link", Number(_loc1[1]), Number(_loc1[2]), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); } // end else if }; }; smshow = false; ic = -1; smitempos = 0; checksitemenu(); ?atstart = 1; stop (); sip._visible = 0; sifunc = function () { sip._visible = 1; sip.globalcol(configtextcol); sip.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); sip.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 996); sip.field.khead(loadingstartimage.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 31); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = siTarget.i0.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = siTarget.i0.getBytesTotal(); mypercent = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 100); sip.bar._xscale = sip.bar._xscale + (mypercent - sip.bar._xscale) / 3; if (mypercent == 100 && mytotal > 100) { delete this.onEnterFrame; setareaimage(); sip.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 241}, 2, true); subbar.play(); mmask.play(); lmask.play(); } // end if }; }; killstartfx = function () { for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) { siTarget["i" + i].removeMovieClip(); siTarget["m" + i].removeMovieClip(); } // end of for }; setareaimage = function () { if (configimagearea.indexOf(".swf") != -1 || configimagearea.indexOf(".SWF") != -1 || configimagearea.indexOf(".jpg") != -1 || configimagearea.indexOf(".JPG") != -1) { loadMovie(configglobalpath + configimagearea, areaback); } else if (configimagearea == true || configimagearea == "bgcol") { areaback.square(0, 0, 640, 360, "0x" + configbgcol); } else if (configimagearea == "textcol") { areaback.square(0, 0, 640, 360, "0x" + configtextcol); } else if (configimagearea != false) { areaback.square(0, 0, 640, 360, "0x" + configimagearea); } // end else if }; ?Icheckaudioplayer(); barstep1(); versionbug(); subbar.gotoAndStop(7); ?if (description == undefined) { description = "ifexsist"; } // end if if (attribs == undefined) { attribs = new Array(0, 1, 1, 1); } else { attribs = attribs.split(","); } // end else if ?function xmlfunc() { imlfield.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 242}, 2, true); if (ajustattached) { _global.ajustattached = false; } else { runaudio(); } // end else if imagearray = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < image.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) { imagearray.push(image.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.name); } // end of for gotoAndStop(19); } // End of the function getimages = function () { imlfield.globalcol(textcol); imlfield.field.dotrun(loadingimagelist.toUpperCase()); imlfield.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 200}); imlfield.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 221}, 2, false, 994); if (configdirectimage != false) { lastslash = configdirectimage.lastIndexOf("/"); _global.configfolder = configdirectimage.substr(0, lastslash + 1); } // end if if (configfolder == false || beenhere) { _global.configfolder = folder; } else { folder = configfolder; } // end else if beenhere = true; file = folder; image = new XML(); image.ignoreWhite = true; image.onLoad = xmlfunc; if (configimagesorting == "rnd") { xmlfile = configglobalpath + "dirxml." + configserverextension + "?path=" + folder + "&sort=" + configimagesorting + "&buff=" + Math.random(); } else { xmlfile = configglobalpath + "dirxml." + configserverextension + "?path=" + folder + "&sort=" + configimagesorting; } // end else if if (zinc) { getzimages(); } else { image.load(xmlfile); } // end else if }; getzimages = function () { image.appendChild(mymenu.createElement("index")); cbfunc = function (resultz) { myarray = new Array(); myarray = resultz.split("^"); mt.text = folder; for (i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) { image.firstChild.appendChild(image.createElement("image")); image.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.name = myarray[i]; } // end of for mt.text = image; xmlfunc(); }; mdm.getfilelist_del(folder, "*.*", "^", cbfunc); }; getimages(); stop (); ?atstart = 0; if (!_global.configstartimagekeep) { siTarget.swapDepths(783); siTarget.removeMovieClip(); } // end if stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteLLbar? Layer 1 CPicSymbol$$? Layer 3?loadconfig = function () { myconfig = new LoadVars(); myconfig.onLoad = function () { delete myconfig.onLoad; for (i in this) { if (_parent[i].length) { _global["config" + i] = _parent[i]; } else { _global["config" + i] = this[i]; } // end else if if (_global["config" + i] == "true" || _global["config" + i] == "1") { _global["config" + i] = true; continue; } // end if if (_global["config" + i] == "false" || _global["config" + i] == "") { _global["config" + i] = false; continue; } // end if if (_global["config" + i].indexOf(",") != -1) { tempacontent = _global["config" + i]; _global["config" + i] = new Array(); _global["config" + i] = tempacontent.split(","); for (ai = 0; ai < _global["config" + i].length; ai++) { tempavalue = _global["config" + i][ai]; if (tempavalue == "1" || tempavalue == "true") { _global["config" + i][ai] = true; continue; } // end if if (tempavalue == "0" || tempavalue == "false") { _global["config" + i][ai] = false; } // end if } // end of for } // end if } // end of for...in if (configglobalpath == false) { _global.configglobalpath = ""; } // end if i = 0; if (_parent.dbackon) { _parent.dback.globalcol(configbgcol); } // end if setdomain(); _parent.checkres(); }; myconfig.load(configfile); _parent.fuckf.htmlText = configfile; }; setdomain = function () { checksubversion(); if (configcrossdomainpath != false && configcrossdomainpath.length > 1 && mainVersion > 6) { _global.configglobalpath = configcrossdomainpath; } // end if }; dospeedcalculation = function () { sp = sharedobject.getLocal("ivspeed"); if (estspeed >= 500) { if (sp.data.speed > 0) { _global.estspeed = sp.data.speed; } // end if } else { sp.data.speed = estspeed; sp.flush(); } // end else if }; startdate = new Date(); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = _parent.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = _parent.getBytesTotal(); mypercent = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 100); bar._xscale = bar._xscale + (mypercent - bar._xscale) / 3; if (mypercent == 100 && mytotal > 2000) { delete this.onEnterFrame; bar._xscale = mypercent; enddate = new Date(); _global.estspeed = 7.812500E+001 / ((enddate - startdate) / 1000); dospeedcalculation(); bar._visible = 0; if (standalone) { checkstandalone(); } else { standard(); } // end if } // end else if }; checkstandalone = function () { mysa = new LoadVars(); mysa.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { System.security.allowDomain(this.globalpath, "http://localhost/v15/", "http://localhost/", "", "http://localhost"); trace (System.security.allowDomain()); _parent.globalpath = this.globalpath; if (this.configfile.length) { _parent.configfile = this.configfile; configfile = _parent.globalpath + "getconfig.php?configfile=" + _parent.configfile; } else { configfile = _parent.globalpath + "getconfig.php"; } // end else if for (i in this) { if (i != "onLoad") { _parent[i] = this[i]; } // end if } // end of for...in loadconfig(); } else { standard(); } // end else if }; mysa.load("standalone.ini"); }; standard = function () { li = _parent.configfile.indexOf("/"); if (li != -1) { _parent.configfile = _parent.configfile.substr(li + 1, _parent.configfile.length); } // end if if (_parent.configfile == undefined) { configfile = "getconfig.php"; } else { configfile = "getconfig.php?configfile=" + _parent.configfile; } // end else if if (_parent.globalpath.length) { configfile = _parent.globalpath + configfile; } // end if loadconfig(); };  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?zmfx = function (clips, iname) { createEmptyMovieClip("i0", 1); for (i = 1; i < clips + 1; i++) { createEmptyMovieClip("i" + i, i + 1); createEmptyMovieClip("m" + i, i + clips + 1); this["i" + i].setcol(carray[i - 1]); } // end of for loadM(clips, iname); }; loadM = function (clips, iname) { go = 1; current = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (go == 1) { if (configstartfx == "blur" && current > 1) { trace ("BLUR"); lpath = configglobalpath + iname.substr(0, iname.length - 4) + "blur.jpg"; } else { trace ("NONBLUR"); lpath = configglobalpath + iname; } // end else if if (current == 0) { } // end if loadMovie(lpath, "i" + current); go = 0; } // end if myload = this["i" + current].getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = this["i" + current].getBytesTotal(); if (myload == mytotal && mytotal > 2000 && this["i" + current]._width > 0) { this["i" + current].setMask(this["m" + current]); if (current != 0) { } // end if ++current; if (current >= clips + 1) { delete this.onEnterFrame; minit(clips); } // end if go = 1; } // end if }; }; minit = function (clips) { _global.mwidth = this._width; _global.mheight = this._height; for (i = 1; i < clips + 1; i++) { this["m" + i].mfxclips(); } // end of for }; MovieClip.prototype.mfxclips = function () { this.clip = 0; this.maxtime = Math.random() * 200 + 100; this.counter = this.maxtime; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.counter; if (this.counter >= this.maxtime && exsisting < 4) { ++exsisting; this.maxtime = Math.random() * 100 + 50; ++this.clip; this.counter = 0; this.createEmptyMovieClip("clip" + this.clip, this.clip); this["clip" + this.clip].clipfx(); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.clipfx = function () { this.wdir = 1; this.dir = Math.round(Math.random()) * 2 - 1; this.swidth = Math.round(Math.random() * 50) + 1.100000E+000; this.wspeed = Math.random() * 2 - 1; this.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 1; if (this.dir > 0) { this._x = -this.swidth; } else { this._x = mwidth; } // end else if this.drawfunc(0, 0, this.swidth, 0, this.swidth, mheight, 0, mheight); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + this.speed * this.dir; this._width = this._width + this.wspeed * this.wdir; if (this._width >= 150) { this.wdir = this.wdir * -1; } else if (this._width <= 1) { this.wdir = this.wdir * -1; } // end else if if (this.dir > 0) { if (this._x >= mwidth) { --exsisting; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if } else if (this._x <= -this._width) { --exsisting; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end else if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.drawfunc = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) { this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.beginFill(0, 100); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x3, y3); this.lineTo(x4, y4); this.endFill(); }; MovieClip.prototype.setcol = function (val) { this.mycol = new Color(this); this.mycol.setTransform({ra: val, ga: val, ba: val}); }; exsisting = 0; carray = new Array(120, 110, 130);  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame ? CPicSprite8,~!8%wb??,~e%wb??qF:'nutnd? Layer 1 ? ,~l %wb? Layer 3 ?4S4+prel? Layer 5 ?0subthumbload = function () { sloaded = false; _parent.tup = 0; createEmptyMovieClip("subthumb", 1); subthumb._alpha = 0; loadMovie(configglobalpath + "getfile." + configserverextension + "?img=" + _parent._parent._parent.folder + _parent._parent._parent.imagearray[mynum - 1], subthumb); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = subthumb.getBytesTotal(); mytotal = subthumb.getBytesLoaded(); prel.bar._xscale = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 50); if (myload == mytotal && mytotal > 10 && subthumb._width > 0) { sloaded = true; setfx("button2"); repos(); delete this.onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } // end if }; }; remload = function () { if (sloaded) { gotoAndPlay(16); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; subthumb.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndPlay(16); } // end else if }; repos = function () { subthumb._x = 5; subthumb._y = -subthumb._height - 5; wb.mtrig({_x: 0, _width: subthumb._width + 10, _height: subthumb._height + 10, _y: -subthumb._height - 10}, 4.000000E-001, 5.000000E-001); nutnd.mtrig({_x: -1, _y: -subthumb._height - 11, _width: subthumb._width + 13, _height: subthumb._height + 13}, 4.000000E-001, 5.000000E-001); }; dafin = function () { _parent.tup = 1; tcol = new Color(subthumb); tcol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 255, gb: 255, bb: 255}); tval = 500; subthumb._alpha = 100; subthumb.onEnterFrame = function () { tval = tval - 100; toval = tval / 5; tcol.setTransform({ra: tval, ga: tval, ba: tval, rb: toval, gb: toval, bb: toval}); if (tval == 100) { tcol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 0, gb: 0, bb: 0}); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; mfini = function () { dafin(); }; if (_parent.tup == 1) { gotoAndStop(14); } // end if ?subthumbload(); stop (); ?this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 15; if (this._alpha <= 0) { _parent.tup = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if }; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite^H%Ttest? Layer 1U tnltarget? Layer 3?J0tpress = function () { if (configthumbpopinfo != false) { rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); } // end if if (Key.isDown(16) && configshiftthumbclicklink != false) { _global.configshiftthumbclicklink.thumbchecklinktype(mynum, cititem); } else { _global.configthumbopenwin.toString().thumbchecklinktype(mynum, cititem); } // end else if }; test.onPress = function () { tpress(); }; movefunc = function () { test.onMouseMove = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (!testover) { rollfunc(); testover = 1; setfx("button2", 0, 50); if (configthumbfx[0] == "shine") { fxa = Number(configthumbfx[1]); tnltarget.cshine(fxa, fxa, fxa, Number(configthumbfx[2])); } else { tnltarget.settransb(Number(configthumbfx[1]), Number(configthumbfx[2])); } // end else if thumbinfo.backdrop.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); } // end if } else if (testover) { rolloutfunc(); testover = 0; if (configthumbfx[0] == "shine") { trace ("shineout"); tnltarget.cshine(100, 100, 100, Number(configthumbfx[2])); } else { tnltarget.settransb(0, Number(configthumbfx[2])); } // end else if delete this.onMouseMove; thumbinfo.backdrop.mfade({_alpha: 70}, 3); } // end else if }; }; test.onRollOver = function () { _global.crow = this; _global.crowitem = "thumb"; if (configthumbpopinfo != false) { this.genover = true; this.attachinfo(rollaction, imagename, imagewidth, imageheight, imagesize, imagedate, rolldescription, false, false, displayimagename); } // end if movefunc(); }; test.onRollOut = test.onDragOut = function () { _global.crowitem = "back"; if (configthumbpopinfo != false) { this.genover = false; rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); } // end if }; if (_parent._parent["tcache" + mynum] == 1) { if (configthumbframe[1] != false || configthumbframe[1].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { test._alpha = 100; if (configthumbframe[1] != true && configthumbframe != true) { test.globalcol(configthumbframe[1]); } // end if } // end if } // end if } else if (configthumbframe[1] != false || configthumbframe[1].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { if (configthumbframe[1] != true && configthumbframe != true) { test.globalcol(configthumbframe[1]); } // end if test.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); } // end if } // end else if miffunc = function () { if (configthumbframe[1] != false || configthumbframe[1].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { test._alpha = 100; } // end if } // end if delete test.onEnterFrame; }; icol = new Color(tnltarget); testover = 0; _parent._parent._parent.setfx("button4", 0, 50); trace ("active: " + active); MovieClip.prototype.nticon = function (tstring) { this.onRollOver = function () { setfx("button5"); this._parent.mytext.khead(tstring, "", 3, 10); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this._parent.mytext.khead(defstring, "", 3, 10); }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; this.useHandCursor = false; }; if (configthumbpopinfo[0] || configthumbpopinfo == true) { if (configthumbopenwin == "popup" || configthumbopenwin) { rollaction = rootalias.poptext; } else if (configthumbopenwin == "normal") { rollaction = rootalias.blanktext; } else { rollaction = rootalias.aliasimage + " " + (mynum + 1); } // end else if } // end else if imagename = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.name; if (configthumbpopinfo[1]) { displayimagename = true; } // end if if (configthumbpopinfo[2]) { imagewidth = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.width; imageheight = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.height; } // end if if (configthumbpopinfo[3]) { imagesize = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.size; } // end if if (configthumbpopinfo[4]) { imagedate = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.date; } // end if if (configthumbpopinfo[5]) { rolldescription = true; } // end if if (configthumbattribpopinfo[0]) { displayimagename2 = true; } // end if if (configthumbattribpopinfo[1]) { imagewidth2 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.width; imageheight2 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.height; } // end if if (configthumbattribpopinfo[2]) { imagesize2 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.size; } // end if if (configthumbattribpopinfo[3]) { imagedate2 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.date; } // end if if (configthumbattribpopinfo[4]) { rolldescription2 = true; } // end if imagename3 = checkhideextension(_parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.name); imagewidth3 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.width; imageheight3 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.height; imagesize3 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.size; imagedate3 = _parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum].attributes.date; headattrib = "" + rootalias.aliasdimensions.toUpperCase() + ": " + imagewidth3 + " x " + imageheight3 + " " + rootalias.aliassize.toUpperCase() + ": " + Math.round(imagesize3 / 1024) + " KB " + rootalias.aliasdate.toUpperCase() + ": " + stringtodate(imagedate3).toUpperCase(); defstring = "" + (Number(mynum) + 1) + ". " + imagename3.toUpperCase(); MovieClip.prototype.infofield = function (myname, mydepth, mykhead, myypos, iconframe, enablehscroll) { this.attachMovie("newthumbinfo", myname, mydepth); this[myname].backdrop._alpha = 70; this[myname].setinfocol(myname); if (myname == "popup") { this[myname].mytext.khead(mykhead.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5); } else { this[myname].mytext.mytf.htmlText = mykhead.toUpperCase(); } // end else if this[myname]._y = myypos; this[myname].icon.gotoAndStop(iconframe); if (enablehscroll) { this[myname].mytext.horiscroller(); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.setinfocol = function (myname) { if (configthumbattribscol[0] == "bgcol") { ica = configbgcol; } else if (configthumbattribscol[0] == "textcol") { ica = configtextcol; } else { ica = configthumbattribscol[0]; } // end else if if (configthumbattribscol[1] == "bgcol") { icb = configbgcol; } else if (configthumbattribscol[1] == "textcol") { icb = configtextcol; } else { icb = configthumbattribscol[1]; } // end else if this.backdrop.globalcol(ica); this.mytext.globalcol(icb); if (myname == "thumbinfo") { if (cached) { this.iconback.globalcol(icb); this.icon.globalcol(ica); } else { this.iconback.swapDepths(999); this.iconback.removeMovieClip(); this.icon.globalcol(icb); } // end else if } else { this.iconback.globalcol(icb); this.icon.globalcol(ica); } // end else if }; initicons = function () { with (thumbinfo) { if (cached) { thumbinfo.iconback.nticon(rootalias.aliasviewed.toUpperCase()); } // end if if (active) { thumbinfo.iconback.nticon(rootalias.aliasactive.toUpperCase()); activeblink = setInterval(blinkfunc, 500); } // end if } // End of with }; init = function () { cached = _parent._parent.cachearray[mynum]; if (configthumbframe[0] != false || configthumbframe[0].length > 5) { if (configthumbframe != false) { if (active && configthumbattribs[1] == undefined) { attachMovie("newoutlinesfat", "outlines", 4); } else { attachMovie("newoutlines", "outlines", 4); } // end if } // end else if if (configthumbframe[0] != true && configthumbframe != true) { outlines.globalcol(configthumbframe); } // end if } // end if if (_global.configthumbattribs[0]) { this.infofield("thumbinfo", 3, defstring, 106, 1); } // end if if (configthumbattribs != false && configthumbattribs != "pop") { initicons(); } // end if }; rollfunc = function () { if (configthumbattribs[1]) { this.infofield("geninfo", 2, headattrib, yposroot, 3, true); geninfo.mfade({_y: yposarray[1]}, 2); geninfo.infobuttfunc(); geninfo.overfunc = function () { this._parent.attachinfo(false, imagename, imagewidth2, imageheight2, imagesize2, imagedate2, true, true, displayimagename2); this._parent.genover = 1; }; geninfo.outfunc = function () { rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); this._parent.genover = 0; }; geninfo.onRelease = geninfo.onDragOut = function () { rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); delete infoXML; }; geninfo.useHandCursor = false; } // end if if (configthumbattribs[2]) { this.infofield("popbutt", 1, rootalias.poptext.toUpperCase(), yposroot, 2); popbutt.mfade({_y: yposarray[2]}, 2); popbutt.infobuttfunc(); popbutt.onPress = function () { rolloutfunc(); popwindowfunc(mynum, 1); }; } // end if }; rolloutfunc = function () { if (configthumbattribs[1]) { geninfo.mfade({_y: yposroot, _alpha: 0}, 3, true); } // end if if (configthumbattribs[2]) { popbutt.mfade({_y: yposroot, _alpha: 0}, 3, true); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.infobuttfunc = function () { this.onRollOver = function () { setfx("button5"); this.backdrop.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); this.overfunc(); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.backdrop.mfade({_alpha: 70}, 3); this.outfunc(); }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; }; blinkfunc = function () { blinkbool = !blinkbool; if (blinkbool) { thumbinfo.iconback.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); thumbinfo.icon.globalcol(ica); } else { thumbinfo.iconback.mfade({_alpha: 0}, 2); thumbinfo.icon.globalcol(icb); } // end else if }; popmargin = 10; setinfo = true; setgeninfo = true; setpop = true; this.onUnload = function () { clearInterval(activeblink); }; yposarray = new Array(106, 94, 82); for (i = 0; i < configthumbattribs.length; i++) { if (configthumbattribs[i] == false || configthumbattribs[i] == 0) { yposarray.splice(i, 0, 0); } // end if } // end of for if (configthumbattribs[0]) { yposroot = 106; } else { yposroot = 118; } // end else if blinkbool = false; init();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite""ptnbck? Layer 1(yM(rmt? Layer 3tfnt? Layer 5DDuonClipEvent (load) { i = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.setfx("scroll1", 99); arraylength = _parent._parent._parent._parent.imagearray.length; xpos = 0; xpro = 21; i = 0; if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.scrollcol.length > 5) { myscrollcol = new Color(_parent["clip" + i].mainb); myscrollcol.setRGB(parseInt("0x" + String(_parent._parent._parent._parent.scrollcol))); } else { _parent["clip" + i].mainb.mainbinside._alpha = 0; } // end else if _parent["clip" + i].mynum = i + 1; _parent["clip" + i]._x = xpos; _parent["clip" + i].mainb._width = mywidth; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (counter = 0; counter < 5; counter++) { _parent.attachMovie("multibutton0", "clip" + i, i); if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.scrollcol.length > 5) { myscrollcol = new Color(_parent["clip" + i].mainb); myscrollcol.setRGB(parseInt("0x" + String(_parent._parent._parent._parent.scrollcol))); } else { _parent["clip" + i].mainb.mainbinside._alpha = 0; } // end else if _parent["clip" + i].globalcol(); _parent["clip" + i]._alpha = 100; _parent["clip" + i].mynum = i + 1; _parent["clip" + i]._x = Math.round(xpos); _parent["clip" + i].mainb._width = mywidth; _parent._x = _parent._x - (xpro - 640 / arraylength); if (i >= arraylength - 1) { if (_parent._parent.multi._width <= 671) { _parent._parent.slbutt.swapDepths(999); _parent._parent.slbutt.removeMovieClip(); _parent._parent.srbutt.swapDepths(998); _parent._parent.srbutt.removeMovieClip(); } // end if _parent._parent._parent.initiate(); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); _parent._x = 38; _parent.my.swapDepths(i + 1); _parent._parent.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); } // end if ++i; xpos = xpos + xpro; } // end of for _parent._parent.count = "COUNTING " + i; } ? Layer 7?5filenametrace = function () { createEmptyMovieClip("fntcode", 999); fnt.mytf.autoSize = true; tfl = fnt.mytf.textWidth; fntcode.onEnterFrame = function () { if (fnt._alpha >= 0 && fnt._alpha <= 100) { fnt._alpha = fnt._alpha + speed; } else if (fnt._alpha < 0) { fnt._alpha = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } else if (fnt._alpha > 100) { fnt._alpha = 100; } // end else if actarget = Math.round(targetx2 - _root._xmouse / 640 * tfl); fnt._x = fnt._x + Math.round((actarget - fnt._x) / 2); }; }; MovieClip.prototype.setdot = function (xnum) { var _loc2 = kro53.getTextExtent(_parent.multi["clip" + (xnum - 1)].mynum); if (_loc2.width > 3 && _loc2.width < 30) { setx = _parent.multi["clip" + (xnum - 1)]._x + Math.round(_loc2.width / 2); } else { setx = _parent.multi["clip" + (xnum - 1)]._x; } // end else if mt.mtrig({_x: setx}, 1.000000E-001, 5.000000E-001); }; MovieClip.prototype.settnback = function (i, a) { setx = i * 21 - 5; setw = a * 21 + 2; tnbck.mfade({_width: setw, _x: setx}, 2); }; mt.globalcol(); fnt.globalcol(); tnbck.globalcol(configtextcol); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritepscbutt? Layer 1xscbuttz? Layer 3?u.onClipEvent (load) { _parent._parent._parent._parent.setfx("scroll1", 99); _parent.speed = 0; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(0); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.speed = _parent.speed + 1; myvol = _parent.speed * 2.500000E+000; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(myvol); if (_parent.speed >= 20) { _parent.gotoAndStop(3); } // end if _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent._parent.multi._x - _parent.speed * _parent.dir; if (_parent.dir == 1) { if (_parent._parent.multi._x <= 671 - _parent._parent.multi._width) { _parent._parent.multi._x = Math.round(671 - _parent._parent.multi._width); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } else if (_parent._parent.multi._x >= _parent.minnum) { _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent.minnum; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if } ?u$onClipEvent (load) { myvol = _parent.speed * 2.500000E+000; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(myvol); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent._parent.multi._x - _parent.speed * _parent.dir; if (_parent.dir == 1) { if (_parent._parent.multi._x <= 671 - _parent._parent.multi._width) { _parent._parent.multi._x = Math.round(671 - _parent._parent.multi._width); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } else if (_parent._parent.multi._x >= _parent.minnum) { _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent.minnum; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if } ?uqonClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.speed = _parent.speed - 1; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(_parent.speed * 2.500000E+000); if (_parent.speed <= 0) { _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(100); _parent._parent._parent.motion = 1; _parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent._parent.multi._x - _parent.speed * _parent.dir; if (_parent.dir == 1) { if (_parent._parent.multi._x <= 671 - _parent._parent.multi._width) { _parent._parent.multi._x = Math.round(671 - _parent._parent.multi._width); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); _parent._parent._parent.motion = 1; parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } else if (_parent._parent.multi._x >= _parent.minnum) { _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent.minnum; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); _parent._parent._parent.motion = 1; parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if } ?u)onClipEvent (load) { _parent.speed = 40; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.setVolume(_parent.speed * 2.500000E+000); _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent._parent.multi._x - _parent.speed * _parent.dir; if (_parent.dir == 1) { if (_parent._parent.multi._x <= 671 - _parent._parent.multi._width) { _parent._parent.multi._x = Math.round(671 - _parent._parent.multi._width); _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if } else if (_parent._parent.multi._x >= _parent.minnum) { _parent._parent.multi._x = _parent.minnum; _parent._parent._parent._parent.sfx.stop(); parent.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if } ? Layer 5?]scbutt.useHandCursor = false; scbutt.onRollOver = function () { this.mfade({_alpha: 10, _x: -9, _y: -7.500000E+000, _width: 17, _height: 17}, 2); setfx("button5"); _parent._parent.motion = 0; gotoAndStop(2); }; scbutt.onRollOut = function () { this.mfade({_alpha: 0, _x: -6, _y: -4.500000E+000, _width: 11, _height: 11}, 2); gotoAndStop(4); }; scbutt.onPress = function () { this.mfade({_alpha: 20, _x: -12, _y: -1.050000E+001, _width: 23, _height: 23}, 2); gotoAndStop(5); }; scbutt.onRelease = function () { this.mfade({_alpha: 10, _x: -9, _y: -7.500000E+000, _width: 17, _height: 17}, 2); speed = 20; gotoAndStop(3); }; scbutt.onDragOut = function () { this.mfade({_alpha: 0, _x: -6, _y: -4.500000E+000, _width: 11, _height: 11}, 2); gotoAndStop(4); }; minnum = 38; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteDDpduffbutt? Layer 1headback? Layer 300dtoggle? Layer 5))bthead? Layer 11?@Ga@lb? Layer 13?4 @Ga4 @rb? Layer 15CPicText T  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53 attrib? Layer 17 " Verdana dfield? Layer 18 T(/!X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63333 head? Layer 19?/ / scdown? Layer 20?0H0Hscup? Layer 25?,duffbutt.onRollOver = function () { dtoggle.back.gotoAndPlay(2); this.setfx("button5"); if (_parent._parent.dopen) { bthead.bkhead(rootalias.hidedescription.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 10); } else { headback.gotoAndPlay(2); bthead.bkhead(rootalias.viewdescription.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 10); head.textColor = "0x" + _parent.bcol; head.text = checkhideextension(_parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent._parent.image].attributes.name.toUpperCase()); } // end else if }; duffbutt.onRollOut = duffbutt.onDragOut = function () { dtoggle.back.gotoAndPlay(6); if (!_parent._parent.dopen) { head.text = ""; headback.gotoAndPlay(7); } // end if bthead.khead("", "", 0, 0); }; MovieClip.prototype.bkhead = function (a, b, c, d) { this.mytf.text = a; this.mytf._x = 83 - this.mytf._width; this.mytf.text = ""; this.khead(a, b, c, d); }; bthead.mytf.autoSize = true; dtoggle.useHandCursor = false; stop ();  Action Layer CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritelj[ljdmask? Layer 1lldclip? Layer 3?Qif (configdescriptionscol[0] == "bgcol") { acol = configbgcol; } else if (configdescriptionscol[0] == "textcol") { acol = configtextcol; } else if (configdescriptionscol != false) { acol = configdescriptionscol[0]; } else { acol = "FFFFFF"; } // end else if if (configdescriptionscol[1] == "bgcol") { bcol = configbgcol; } else if (configdescriptionscol[1] == "textcol") { bcol = configtextcol; } else if (configdescriptionscol != false) { bcol = configdescriptionscol[1]; } else { bcol = "333333"; } // end else if dclip.headback.globalcol(acol); dclip.bthead.globalcol(bcol); dclip.dtoggle.myarrow.globalcol(acol); dclip.dtoggle.back.globalcol(bcol); dclip.dtoggle.frame.globalcol(acol); checkheight = function () { dclip.bthead.bkhead(rootalias.hidedescription.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 10); dclip.duffbutt._height = 1; dclip.dtoggle.myarrow.gotoAndStop(2); this.attachMovie("checktf", "checktf", 1); checktf.mytf._width = 440; checktf.mytf._height = 800; checktf.mytf.htmlText = _parent.mydesc.result; checktf.mytf.autoSize = true; if (checktf.mytf._height > 142) { allowscroll = true; tfheight = 142; } else if (checktf.mytf._height > 50) { allowscroll = false; tfheight = checktf.mytf._height; } else { allowscroll = false; tfheight = 50; } // end else if this.checktf.removeMovieClip(); if (allowscroll) { dclip.gotoAndStop(3); dclip.scup.scrollbs(-1, 2, 1); dclip.scdown.scrollbs(1, 1, 2); dclip.dfield._width = 425; } else { dclip.gotoAndStop(2); dclip.dfield._width = 440; } // end else if settxt(); }; settxt = function () { if (configdescriptionattributes) { st = ""; lat = ""; ct = ""; dbr = "
"; mydim = lat + rootalias.aliasdimensions.toUpperCase() + ": " + ct + st + _parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent.image].attributes.width + " x " + _parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent.image].attributes.height + ct; mysize = lat + rootalias.aliassize.toUpperCase() + ": " + ct + st + Math.round(_parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent.image].attributes.size / 1024) + "Kb" + ct; datestring = _parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent.image].attributes.date; mydate = lat + rootalias.aliasdate.toUpperCase() + ": " + ct + st + stringtodate(datestring).toUpperCase(); dclip.attrib.htmlText = mydim + dbr + mysize + dbr + mydate; dclip.attrib.textColor = "0x" + bcol; } else { if (beenhere == undefined) { beenhere = true; with (dclip) { dfield._x = dfield._x - 169; dfield._width = dfield._width + 169; } // End of with } // end if with (dclip) { lb.swapDepths(999); lb.removeMovieClip(); rb._x = rb._x - 169; rb._width = rb._width + 169; } // End of with } // end else if dclip.dfield._height = tfheight; dclip.dfield.htmlText = _parent.mydesc.result; dclip.dfield.textColor = "0x" + bcol; dclip.head.textColor = "0x" + bcol; dclip.head.text = checkhideextension(_parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent.image].attributes.name.toUpperCase()); dclip.lb.globalcol(acol); dclip.rb.globalcol(acol); dclip.lb._height = tfheight + 30; dclip.rb._height = tfheight + 30; dclip.lb._alpha = walpha; dclip.rb._alpha = walpha; openfunc(); }; openfunc = function () { if (!_parent.dopen) { dclip.headback.gotoAndPlay(2); } // end if dclip.dtoggle.myarrow.gotoAndStop(2); if (allowscroll) { dclip.gotoAndStop(3); dclip.scup.scrollbs(-1, 2, 1); dclip.scdown.scrollbs(1, 1, 2); } else { dclip.gotoAndStop(2); } // end else if ytpos = 399 - dclip._height; dclip.duffbutt._height = this._height + 1; dclip.setMask(dmask); if (_global.subVersion < 10) { dclip.dfield._visible = false; dclip.trigfinifunc = function () { dclip.dfield._visible = true; }; } else { dclip.trigfinifunc = null; } // end else if _parent.dopen = true; this.setfx("zoom2", 1, 30); dclip.trigmove(dclip._x, ytpos, 3.000000E-001); }; closefunc = function () { delete dclip.bthead.onEnterFrame; dclip.bthead.mytf.text = ""; dclip.headback.gotoAndPlay(7); dclip.dtoggle.myarrow.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.dopen = false; dclip.trigfinifunc = function () { dclip.gotoAndStop(1); dclip.head.text = ""; }; this.setfx("zoom2", 1, 30); dclip.trigmove(dclip._x, 384, 3.000000E-001); }; MovieClip.prototype.scrollbs = function (dir, f1, f2) { this.sbro.globalcol(acol); this.dscroll.globalcol(bcol); this.onRollOver = function () { this.sbro.globalcol(bcol); this.dscroll.globalcol(acol); this.setfx("button5"); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.sbro.globalcol(acol); this.dscroll.globalcol(bcol); }; this.onPress = function () { this.sbro.mfade({_alpha: 50}, 3); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._parent.dfield.scroll = this._parent.dfield.scroll + dir; }; }; this.onRelease = this.onDragOut = function () { this.sbro.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); delete this.onEnterFrame; }; this.useHandCursor = false; }; walpha = 85; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite > mycontrol? Layer 1``tb? Layer 15?"MovieClip.prototype.runaudio = function (empty) { if (configaudiopath == "imagefolder" || configaudiopath == "groupfolder") { trace ("EMPTY: " + empty); if (empty) { oldpath = apath; apath = configemptyaudio; } else { oldpath = apath; if (configaudiopath == "imagefolder") { apath = _parent.folder; if (apath == undefined) { apath = configemptyaudio; } // end if } else if (configaudiopath == "groupfolder") { apath = _parent.folder.substr(0, _parent.folder.length - 1); apath = apath.substr(0, apath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if (apath == undefined) { apath = configemptyaudio; } // end if } // end else if } // end else if if (cpath != apath) { alist(); } // end if } else if (!aset) { aset = true; apath = configaudiopath; alist(); } // end else if }; alist = function () { audiolist = new XML(); audiolist.ignoreWhite = true; audiolist.onLoad = function () { trace (this); if (this.firstChild.childNodes.length) { cpath = apath; ainit(); } else if (apath == configemptyaudio) { _global.audioattached = false; clearInterval(checkbuffint); audioplayeralias.removeMovieClip(); } else { trace ("A3"); runaudio(true); } // end else if }; audiolist.load(configglobalpath + "readfolder." + configserverextension + "?path=" + apath + "&ext=" + configaudioextension); }; ainit = function () { afile = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < audiolist.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++) { afile.push(audiolist.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.name); } // end of for alength = audiolist.firstChild.childNodes.length; createEmptyMovieClip("track", 1); if (playing) { aload(); } else { tloaded = false; } // end else if }; setsound = function () { if (mysound) { lastvol = mysound.getVolume(); } // end if mysound = new Sound(track); currentso = mysound; aprint = aartist[i - 1] + " - " + aname[i - 1]; mysound.onSoundComplete = function () { ++totalplay; aload(); if (totalplay >= Number(configaudiorepeat) * alength && configaudiorepeat != "0") { totalplay = 0; playerstop(); } // end if }; mysound.onLoad = function () { if (configaudioinfo == "id3") { if (this.id3.songname.length) { id3str = "" + rootalias.aliastitle + ": " + this.id3.songname; } // end if if (this.id3.artist.length) { id3str = id3str + ("
" + rootalias.aliasartist + ": " + this.id3.artist); } // end if if (this.id3.album.length) { id3str = id3str + ("
" + rootalias.aliasalbum + ": " + this.id3.album); } // end if } // end if getdur(); aprint = aartist[i - 1] + " - " + aname[i - 1] + " <" + adurd + ">"; }; }; aload = function () { tloaded = true; playing = true; ++i; setsound(); if (i > alength) { i = 1; } // end if mysound.loadSound(configglobalpath + apath + afile[i - 1], true); id3str = afile[i - 1]; if (lastvol) { mysound.setVolume(lastvol); } // end if }; getpos = function () { apos = currentso.position; aposmin = Math.floor(apos / 60000); apossec = Math.floor(apos / 1000) - aposmin * 60; if (apossec < 10) { apossec = "0" + apossec; } // end if aposd = aposmin + ":" + apossec; atrack.aposmc.aposition.text = aposd; }; getdur = function () { adur = currentso.duration; adurmin = Math.floor(adur / 60000); adursec = Math.floor(adur / 1000) - adurmin * 60; if (adursec < 10) { adursec = "0" + adursec; } // end if adurd = adurmin + ":" + adursec; }; astop = function () { soi.data.aplaying = false; soi.flush(); clearInterval(checkbuffint); playing = false; getpos(); currentso.stop(); if (buffering) { atext.removeMovieClip(); } // end if if (mysound.getBytesLoaded() == mysound.getBytesTotal()) { tcached = true; } else { tcached = false; mysound.loadSound(configglobalpath + "duff.mp3", true); } // end else if buffering = false; }; pauseinterval = function () { atrack.aposmc._visible = !atrack.aposmc._visible; }; astart = function () { soi.data.aplaying = true; soi.flush(); if (i < afile.lengthddd) { if (!aloading) { aload(); } // end if } // end if mycontrol.at.text = rootalias.aliasaudio; if (!tloaded) { aload(); } else if (tcached) { currentso.start(Math.round(apos / 1000), 0); } else { mysound.loadSound(configglobalpath + apath + afile[i - 1], true); } // end else if playing = true; if (configaudiostyle != "loop") { checkbuffint = setInterval(checkbuff, 100); } // end if }; trackdisplay = function () { attachMovie("atrackdisplay", "atrack", 1); atrack._x = -138; atrack._y = -20; getpos(); displayinterval = setInterval(getpos, 1000); atrack.track.mytf.autoSize = true; atrack.track.mytf.text = aprint; buffering = false; if (atrack.track._width > 155) { atrack.track.amaskmove(1); } // end if }; checkbuff = function () { if (playing) { apos2 = currentso.position; if (apos2 == undefined || apos2 == 0 || apos2 - oldapos2 == 0) { if (!buffering) { buffering = true; attachMovie("atext", "atext", 2, {_x: -3, _y: -20}); atext.dotrun(rootalias.aliasbuffering); mycontrol.equalizer.eqstop(); } // end if } else if (buffering) { buffering = false; atext.removeMovieClip(); mycontrol.equalizer.eqrun(); } // end else if oldapos2 = apos2; } // end if }; trackremove = function () { clearInterval(displayinterval); clearInterval(amtimer); atrack.removeMovieClip(); }; MovieClip.prototype.amaskmove = function (setamdir) { if (setamdir == undefined) { setamdirfunc(); } else { amdir = setamdir; } // end else if this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + amdir; if (this._x > 37 || this._x < 155 - this._width + 37) { delete this.onEnterFrame; amtimer = setInterval(amtimerfunc, 1000); } // end if }; }; amtimerfunc = function () { ++amt; if (amt >= 2) { clearInterval(amtimer); amt = 0; atrack.track.amaskmove(); } // end if }; setamdirfunc = function () { if (amdir == 1) { amdir = -1; } else { amdir = 1; } // end else if }; playerstop = function () { astop(); mycontrol.equalizer.eqstop(); mycontrol.subzero = 1; mycontrol.checkvol = 0; }; _global.audioplayeralias = this; playing = true; buffering = true; totalplay = 0; attachMovie("atext", "atext", 2, {_x: -3, _y: -20}); atext.dotrun(rootalias.aliasbuffering); checkbuffint = setInterval(checkbuff, 100); tb.onRollOver = function () { setfx("button5"); if (id3str == undefined) { id3str = "!"; } // end if _parent.createpopbox("audiopop", 998, 0, 8, id3str, 0, verdanaformat); }; tb.onRollOut = tb.onDragOut = function () { _parent.audiopop.popstop(); }; tb.useHandCursor = false; if (configaudioinfo == false) { tb.swapDepths(999); tb.removeMovieClip(); } // end if if (configaudiostyle == "loop") { loop = true; gotoAndStop(2); } else { runaudio(); stop (); } // end else if soi = SharedObject.getLocal("ivfzz"); if (!configaudioinit || soi.data.aplaying == false) { playerstop(); } // end if ? ainit = function () { playing = true; currenta = 0; audioamount = 0; afile = new Array(); for (k = 0; k < audiolist.firstChild.childNodes.length; k++) { afile.push(audiolist.firstChild.childNodes[k].attributes.name); } // end of for aload(); }; aload = function () { if (playing) { ++i; this.createEmptyMovieClip("audio" + i, i); this["aobject" + i] = new Sound(this["audio" + i]); this["aobject" + i].onLoad = function () { if (i == 1) { mycontrol._visible = 1; mycontrol.equalizer.eqrun(); atimer(); audiochange(); } // end if aloading = 1; audioamount = i; if (i != afile.length) { aload(); } // end if }; trace (configglobalpath + apath + afile[i - 1]); this["aobject" + i].loadSound(configglobalpath + apath + afile[i - 1], false); } // end if }; loopcustom = function (vol) { delete crossfader.onEnterFrame; this["aobject" + old].stop(); this["aobject" + nu].setVolume(vol); currentvol = vol; }; audiochange = function () { this["aobject" + old].stop(); old = currenta; ++currenta; currentso = this["aobject" + current]; nu = currenta; if (currenta > audioamount) { currenta = 1; nu = currenta; } // end if this["aobject" + currenta].start(0, 999); this["aobject" + currenta].setVolume(0); crossfade(); }; MovieClip.prototype.changeaudiofunc = function () { if (playing) { mytime = new Date(); thistime = mytime.getHours() * 60 * 60 + mytime.getMinutes() * 60 + mytime.getSeconds(); difference = thistime - starttime; delay = configloopinterval; if (difference > delay) { atimer(); if (audioamount > 1) { audiochange(); } // end if } // end if } // end if }; crossfade = function () { this.createEmptyMovieClip("crossfader", 499); nufade = 0; oldfade = currentvol; this.crossfader.onEnterFrame = function () { ++nufade; --oldfade; this._parent["aobject" + old].setVolume(oldfade); this._parent["aobject" + nu].setVolume(nufade); if (nufade >= currentvol) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent["aobject" + old].stop(); } // end if }; }; atimer = function () { mytime = new Date(); starttime = mytime.getHours() * 60 * 60 + mytime.getMinutes() * 60 + mytime.getSeconds(); }; this.onMouseDown = function () { changeaudiofunc(); }; i = 0; currentvol = 100; runaudio(); if (!configaudioinit) { playerstop(); } // end if stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame ? CPicSpritep,~!p%wb??p,~ep%wb??pxqF:px'nutnd? Layer 1 ?,~l%wb? Layer 3 ?S+prel? Layer 5 ?c subthumbload = function () { if (rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum - 1].attributes.nothumb == "1") { filetoload = "getfile." + configserverextension + "?img=" + _parent._parent._parent.folder + _parent._parent._parent.imagearray[mynum - 1]; if (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[groupfolderindex].childNodes[imagefolderindex].attributes.perm == "777") { rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum - 1].attributes.nothumb = "0"; } // end if } else { filetoload = _parent._parent._parent.folder + "tn_" + _parent._parent._parent.imagearray[mynum - 1]; } // end else if sloaded = false; _parent.tup = 0; createEmptyMovieClip("subthumb", 1); subthumb._alpha = 0; loadMovie(configglobalpath + filetoload, subthumb); prel.lf.dotrun(rootalias.loading.toUpperCase()); if (configtextcol != "FFFFFF") { prel.lf.globalcol(configtextcol); } // end if this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = subthumb.getBytesTotal(); mytotal = subthumb.getBytesLoaded(); if (myload == mytotal && mytotal > 10 && subthumb._width > 0) { sloaded = true; setfx("ns2", 0, 50); repos(); delete this.onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } // end if }; }; remload = function () { if (sloaded) { gotoAndPlay(16); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; subthumb.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndPlay(16); } // end else if }; repos = function () { subthumb._x = 5; subthumb._y = 60; wb.mtrig({_x: 0, _width: subthumb._width + 10, _height: subthumb._height + 10, _y: 55}, 4.000000E-001, 5.000000E-001); nutnd.mtrig({_x: -1, _y: wb._y - 17, _width: subthumb._width + 13, _height: subthumb._height + 13}, 4.000000E-001, 5.000000E-001); }; dafin = function () { _parent.tup = 1; tcol = new Color(subthumb); tcol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 255, gb: 255, bb: 255}); tval = 500; subthumb._alpha = 100; subthumb.onEnterFrame = function () { tval = tval - 100; toval = tval / 5; tcol.setTransform({ra: tval, ga: tval, ba: tval, rb: toval, gb: toval, bb: toval}); if (tval == 100) { tcol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 0, gb: 0, bb: 0}); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; mfini = function () { dafin(); }; if (_parent.tup == 1) { gotoAndStop(14); } // end if ?subthumbload(); stop (); ?this.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; if (this._alpha <= 0) { _parent.tup = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if }; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite? Layer 1? Layer 3?#initclip 1 MovieClip.prototype.popwait = function (n, d, w, tmargin, tcontent, delay) { this.poptimer = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.poptimer; if (this.poptimer >= delay) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent.createpopbox(n, d, w, tmargin, tcontent); delay = 0; } // end if }; }; if (configtooltipcol[0] == "bgcol") { acol = configbgcol; } else if (configtooltipcol[0] == "textcol") { acol = configtextcol; } else if (configtooltipcol != false) { acol = configtooltipcol[0]; } // end else if if (configtooltipcol[1] == "bgcol") { bcol = configbgcol; } else if (configtooltipcol[1] == "textcol") { bcol = configtextcol; } else if (configtooltipcol != false) { bcol = configtooltipcol[1]; } else { bcol = "333333"; } // end else if MovieClip.prototype.createpopbox = function (n, d, w, tmargin, tcontent, delay, tformat, preanim, afade) { if (preanim == undefined) { preanim = true; } // end if if (afade == undefined) { afade = true; } // end if this.createEmptyMovieClip(n, d); if (delay > 0) { this[n].popwait(n, d, w, tmargin, tcontent, delay); } else { this[n].createEmptyMovieClip("pin", 1); var _loc2 = this[n].pin.createEmptyMovieClip("tf", 5); _loc2.globalcol(bcol); _loc2.createTextField("mytf", 1, tmargin, tmargin, w - tmargin * 2, 100); _loc2.mytf.html = true; if (tformat == undefined) { tformat = standardformat; } // end if _loc2.mytf.embedFonts = tformat.embedFonts; _loc2.mytf.autoSize = true; _loc2.mytf.multiline = true; _loc2.mytf.wordWrap = true; _loc2.mytf.htmlText = tcontent; _loc2.mytf.selectable = false; _loc2.mytf.setTextFormat(tformat); if (w == 0 || w + tmargin * 2 > _loc2.mytf.textWidth) { w = _loc2.mytf.textWidth + tmargin * 2 + 4; _loc2.mytf._width = _loc2.mytf.textWidth + 4; } // end if this[n].pin.attachMovie("inputback", "back", 3, {_x: 1, _y: 1}); if (configtooltipcol != false) { this[n].pin.back.globalcol(acol); } // end if this[n].pin.mcreateoutline("outline", w, _loc2.mytf._height + tmargin * 2, 4, "0x" + bcol); this[n].pin.back._width = w - 2; this[n].pin.back._height = _loc2.mytf._height + tmargin * 2 - 2; this[n].pin.popshadow(w, h, tmargin); if (preanim) { this[n].pin.mset({_y: -30}); this[n].pin.mfade({_y: 0}, 2); } // end if if (afade) { this[n].mset({_alpha: 0}); this[n].mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); } // end if this[n].initpopdrag(); } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.popshadow = function (w, h, tmargin) { this.attachMovie("inputback", "sback", 1, {_x: 3, _y: 3}); this.sback._width = w - 2; this.sback._height = this.tf.mytf._height + tmargin * 2 - 2; this.sback.setcolor("000000"); this.sback._alpha = 20; this.mcreateoutline("soutline", w, this.tf.mytf._height + tmargin * 2, 2); this.soutline.setcolor("000000"); this.soutline._x = 2; this.soutline._y = 2; this.soutline._alpha = 20; }; MovieClip.prototype.initpopdrag = function () { this.checkpoppos(); this.popdrag(); this.onMouseMove = function () { this.popdrag(); updateAfterEvent(); }; }; MovieClip.prototype.checkpoppos = function () { var _loc5 = Stage.align; if (_loc5 == "LT") { var _loc4 = 0; var _loc3 = 0; } else { _loc4 = Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2); _loc3 = Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2); } // end else if if (_root._xmouse < Stage.width / 2 - _loc4) { this.popmovex(15); } else { this.popmovex(-this._width - 5); } // end else if if (_root._ymouse < Stage.height / 2 - _loc3) { this.popmovey(15); } else { this.popmovey(-this._height - 5); } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.popdrag = function () { this.checkpoppos(); if (!this.xmoving) { this._x = this._parent._xmouse + this.xm; } // end if if (!this.ymoving) { this._y = this._parent._ymouse + this.ym; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.popmovex = function (xpos) { this.oldxm = this.xm; this.xm = xpos; if (this.beenherex == undefined) { this.beenherex = true; this.oldxm = this.xm; } // end if if (this.oldxm != this.xm) { this.xmoving = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip("mxhandler", 997); this.mxhandler.onEnterFrame = function () { trace ("popmovex"); this._parent._x = this._parent._x + (this._parent._parent._xmouse + this._parent.xm - this._parent._x) / 2; if (Math.abs(this._parent._x - (this._parent._parent._xmouse + this._parent.xm)) < 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent._x = this._parent._parent._xmouse + this._parent.xm; this._parent.xmoving = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.popmovey = function (ypos) { this.oldym = this.ym; this.ym = ypos; if (this.beenherey == undefined) { this.beenherey = true; this.oldym = this.ym; } // end if if (this.oldym != this.ym) { this.ymoving = true; this.createEmptyMovieClip("myhandler", 996); this.myhandler.onEnterFrame = function () { trace ("popmovey"); this._parent._y = this._parent._y + (this._parent._parent._ymouse + this._parent.ym - this._parent._y) / 2; if (Math.abs(this._parent._y - (this._parent._parent._ymouse + this._parent.ym)) < 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this._parent._y = this._parent._parent._ymouse + this._parent.ym; this._parent.ymoving = false; this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.popstop = function () { delete this.onMouseMove; if (this.pin.tf.mytf.embedFonts == false) { this.pin.tf.mytf.text = ""; } // end if this.mfade({_alpha: 0}, 2, true, false, true); this.pin.mfade({_y: 20}, 2); }; #endinitclip  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritemtmtro2? Layer 16t%j6tro1? Layer 3;0*hit? Layer 5CPicText >t!r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????? standard 07_53Volume vtf? Layer 7 r!display !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_5398 ? Layer 8  volvol? Layer 9 CPicSymbol? Layer 11  bar? Layer 12 !r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????? standard 07_53On at? Layer 14   onoff? Layer 15?initvol = function () { vtf.text = rootalias.aliasvolume; vtf.autoSize = true; vtf._x = Math.round(23 - vtf._width - 2); if (_parent.subzero == undefined) { _parent.subzero = 0; } // end if defvol = 100; if (_parent.checkvol == undefined) { _parent.checkvol = defvol; } // end if myvol = _parent.checkvol; display = myvol; bar._x = Math.round(myvol / 1.960000E+000 + 23); volvol._width = bar._x - 23; if (myvol < 1) { at.text = "Off"; } else { at.text = "On"; } // end else if }; onoff.onMouseMove = function () { this.buttfunc(); }; MovieClip.prototype.buttfunc = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (!ohit) { ohit = true; ro2.afade(ro2._alpha, 10, 3, 0); ro1.afade(ro1._alpha, 0, 3, 0); } // end if } else if (ohit) { ohit = false; ro2.afade(ro2._alpha, 0, 3, 0); ro1.afade(ro1._alpha, 10, 3, 0); } // end else if }; hit.onMouseDown = function () { if (onoff.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { barrun(); } else { drag = 1; setfx("button5"); deltax = bar._x - _xmouse; barmove(); } // end else if }; barmove = function () { bar.onMouseMove = function () { if (this._x <= 74 && this._x >= 23) { this._x = _xmouse + deltax; if (this._x > 74) { this._x = 74; } else if (this._x < 23) { this._x = 23; } // end else if _parent.tpos = this._x; volvol._width = this._x - 23; myvol = Math.round((this._x - 23) * 1.960000E+000); setsoundevents(); } // end if updateAfterEvent(); }; }; barrun = function () { if (_parent._parent.playing) { if (!moving) { _parent.oldpos = _parent.tpos; } // end if _parent.tpos = 23; } else { if (_parent.oldpos == undefined) { _parent.oldpos = 74; } // end if _parent.tpos = _parent.oldpos; } // end else if moving = true; bar.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + (_parent.tpos - this._x) / 3; if (Math.abs(this._x - _parent.tpos) < 2) { delete this.onEnterFrame; moving = false; this._x = _parent.tpos; volvol._width = this._x - 23; myvol = Math.round((this._x - 23) * 1.960000E+000); _parent.checkvol = myvol; setsoundevents(); } // end if volvol._width = this._x - 23; myvol = Math.round((this._x - 23) * 1.960000E+000); setsoundevents(); }; }; setsoundevents = function () { display = myvol; _parent._parent.mysound.setVolume(myvol); _parent._parent.loopcustom(myvol); if (myvol < 1 && _parent.subzero == 0) { _parent._parent.astop(); at.text = "Off"; _parent.equalizer.eqstop(); _parent.subzero = 1; } // end if if (myvol > 1 && _parent.subzero == 1) { _parent._parent.astart(myvol); at.text = "On"; _parent.equalizer.eqrun(); _parent.subzero = 0; } // end if }; hit.onMouseUp = function () { drag = 0; delete bar.onMouseMove; _parent.checkvol = myvol; }; if (_parent.tpos == undefined) { _parent.tpos = 74; } // end if moving = false; onoff.buttfunc(); initvol();  Action Layer CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicSprite``,? Layer 1?bb0clip0? Layer 7?PP9? Layer 11?@? Layer 15?  B? Layer 17?,,? Layer 19?""Mclip? Layer 21?(#p(#pP? Layer 25?q!q!S? Layer 27?P(4P(4V? Layer 29?p&lp&l[cached? Layer 33?%l%l^active? Layer 37?''gnamebar? Layer 41?''i? Layer 49?#\#\? Layer 51?X%X%n? Layer 53?8[8| multibuttons? Layer 56?7 7  controlpanel? Layer 80?T,T,? Layer 86? d dnewdescription? Layer 88?XX? Layer 92?e  e  soundevent? Layer 94? T T? Layer 110?? Layer 112?\\llfield? Layer 118? l l? Layer 120? O O volumecontrol? Layer 124?ppamc? Layer 140?D4D4? Layer 145? ( ( naviclose? 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BVS Z*  ,'Z7arZDXL= b$Ou[-*7\"=V/6 2W6"![붑t/U)5ś50XQsvcD 9n;b6R0bfB 9`TuK``࠭0&hQU"Zk aT 4`tY8TEBzrx%<1I#ďp\i b 0Q;\2\Mڠ@}QXkW6 * &.KT,.`%O-كwl v[GnBW"h̪S*}]&b GW[w!!lPĜDXg#q|[.Z!YJ)%q*dJEJ!`!@n,LAME3.96ďHLAME3.96CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicSpritempre? Layer 1?minmax? Layer 3&drag? Layer 8??9mdminit(); getdir = function () { delimiter = "^"; mytempobject = new Object(); mymenu = new XML(); mymenu.appendChild(mymenu.createElement("index")); cbfunc = function (resultz) { myarray = new Array(); myarray = resultz.split("^"); for (i = 0; i < myarray.length; i++) { mymenu.firstChild.appendChild(mymenu.createElement("groupfolder")); mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.name = myarray[i]; mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.perm = "777"; } // end of for cd = 0; getdirchilds(); }; mdm.getfolderlist_del(contentfolder, delimiter, cbfunc); }; getdirchilds = function () { cbfunc = function (resultz) { mysubarray = new Array(); mysubarray = resultz.split("^"); for (i = 0; i < mysubarray.length; i++) { mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cd].appendChild(mymenu.createElement("folder")); mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cd].childNodes[i].attributes.name = mysubarray[i]; mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cd].childNodes[i].attributes.perm = "777"; mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cd].childNodes[i].attributes.path = contentfolder + "/" + myarray[cd] + "/" + mysubarray[i] + "/"; } // end of for ++cd; if (cd < myarray.length) { getdirchilds(); } else { cmd = 0; csd = 0; getdiramounts(); } // end else if }; mdm.getfolderlist_del(contentfolder + "/" + myarray[cd], delimiter, cbfunc); }; getdiramounts = function () { cbfunc = function (resultz) { clength = 0; mysubarray = new Array(); mysubarray = resultz.split("^"); for (i = 0; i < mysubarray.length; i++) { mysubarray[i] = mysubarray[i].toLowerCase(); if (mysubarray[i].indexOf(".jpg") != -1) { if (mysubarray[i].indexOf("tn_") == -1) { ++clength; } // end if } // end if } // end of for mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cmd].childNodes[csd].attributes.amount = clength; ++csd; if (csd == mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cmd].childNodes.length) { csd = 0; ++cmd; mt.text = mymenu; if (cmd < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length) { getdiramounts(); } else { mymenuloadfunc(); } // end else if } else { getdiramounts(); } // end else if }; mdm.getfilelist_del(mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cmd].childNodes[csd].attributes.path, "*.*", delimiter, cbfunc); }; mpre.globalcol(configtextcol); mpre.field.dotrun(rootalias.loadingmenu.toUpperCase()); mpre.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 171}); mpre.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 192}, 2, false, 995); attachMovie("ix", "ix1", 633); loadmenu = function () { _global.mymenu = new XML(); mymenu.ignoreWhite = true; if (_parent._parent.contentfolder.length) { contentfolder = _parent._parent.contentfolder; } else if (_global.configcontentfolder.length) { contentfolder = _global.configcontentfolder; } else { contentfolder = "content"; } // end else if if (contentfolder.charAt(contentfolder.length - 1) == "/") { contentfolder = contentfolder.substr(0, contentfolder.length - 1); } // end if if (zinc) { getdir(); } else { mymenu.onLoad = mymenuloadfunc; mymenu.load(configglobalpath + "dir." + _global.configserverextension + "?contentfolder=" + contentfolder + "&sort=" + configfoldersorting); } // end else if }; checkgroup = function () { if (configsinglelevel == true) { gf = 0; } else { for (cg = 0; cg < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length; cg++) { if (configsinglelevel == mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[cg].attributes.name) { gf = cg; break; } // end if } // end of for } // end else if }; mymenuloadfunc = function () { setmenu(); mpre.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 213}, 2, true); checkaudioplayer(); if (!_global.configshowmenu) { if (!configfolder && !configdirectimage) { _parent._parent.folder = mymenu.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.attributes.path; _global.imagefolderindex = 0; _global.groupfolderindex = 0; } // end if _parent._parent.setareaimage(); _parent._parent.subbar.play(); _parent._parent.lmask.play(); _parent._parent.mmask.play(); _parent._parent.play(); _parent.swapDepths(999); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (configfolder.length > 0 || configdirectimage != false) { _parent._parent.subbar.play(); _parent._parent.lmask.play(); _parent._parent.play(); } else { if (configstartimage[1].length) { _global.configstartfx = false; } // end if if (_global.configstartfx != false) { _parent._parent.siTarget.mfx(3, configstartimage); } else { _parent._parent.siTarget.createEmptyMovieClip("i0", 1); if (configstartimage[1].length) { urlpath = configstartimage[0] + "?config=" + configstartimage[1]; } else { urlpath = configstartimage; } // end else if loadMovie(configglobalpath + urlpath, _parent._parent.siTarget.i0); } // end else if _parent._parent.sifunc(); if (configswflayer != false && configswflayer != undefined) { _parent._parent.siTarget.createEmptyMovieClip("swflayer", 997); loadMovie(configglobalpath + configswflayer, _parent._parent.siTarget.swflayer); } // end if if (configstartclick && !configmenuopen) { _parent._parent.siTarget.onPress = function () { minmaxToggle(); }; } // end if } // end else if if (configsinglelevel != false) { checkgroup(); gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop(3); } // end else if } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.minmaxToggle = function () { if (open) { if (bbuildt) { open = false; minmax.roanim.setrot(7, -2, 0); removeMenu(); minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.openmenu.toUpperCase(); } // end if } else if (!bbuildt) { open = true; minmax.roanim.setrot(20, -3, 90); buildmenu(); minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.closemenu.toUpperCase(); } // end else if }; minmax.onPress = function () { minmaxToggle(); }; minmax.onRollOver = function () { _parent._parent.setfx("button5"); if (open) { minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.closemenu.toUpperCase(); } else { minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.openmenu.toUpperCase(); } // end else if this.roanim.gotoAndPlay(2); }; minmax.onRollOut = function () { minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.mainmenu.toUpperCase(); this.roanim.gotoAndPlay(9); }; minmax.onDragOut = minmax.onRollOut; MovieClip.prototype.setrot = function (x, y, rot) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._rotation = rot; }; MovieClip.prototype.sethead = function (cat, main) { this.mheadi.mytf.autoSize = true; this.mheadi.mytf2.autoSize = true; this.mheadi.mytf.text = cat + " : "; this.mheadi._x = 21 - this.mheadi.mytf.textWidth; hstartx = this.mheadi._x; this.useHandCursor = false; this.onRollOver = function () { this.mheadi.trigmove(21, 2, 2.000000E-001); }; this.onRollOut = function () { this.mheadi.trigmove(hstartx, 2, 2.000000E-001); }; htext = cat + " : " + main; this.mheadi.khead(htext, "", 3, 1, true); }; _global.audioattached = false; _global.ajustattached = false; MovieClip.prototype.checkaudioplayer = function () { trace ("CHECKAUDIOPLAYER"); if (configaudio != false) { if (estspeed >= Number(configaudio)) { if (!audioattached) { _global.ajustattached = true; _global.audioattached = true; audioh = _parent._parent.attachMovie("audioplayer", "audioplayer", 701, {_x: 636, _y: 11, _alpha: 0}); if (configaudioinfo == false) { xset = 12; } else { xset = 0; } // end else if audioh.mfade({_alpha: 100, _x: 606 + xset}, 2); audioh.mycontrol.mset({_alpha: 0, _x: -60}); audioh.mycontrol.mfade({_alpha: 100, _x: 0}, 2); audioh.globalcol(configtextcol); } // end if } // end if } // end if }; menuvars = function () { i = 0; mspeed = 2; activeInc = 1; hpad = 22; vpad = 4; menupad = 1; backcolor = comparecol(configmenucol[0]); textcolor = comparecol(configmenucol[1]); textcolor = "0x" + textcolor; trace ("COFIGMENUCOL: " + backcolor + " : " + textcolor); mainshadow = "true"; textshadowcolor = "0x000000"; textfont = "kroeger 05_63"; textsize = 8; embedfonts = true; touppercase = "true"; rxpos = 0; rypos = 0; setProperty("", _x, 46); dragmargin = 10; ypos = 11; }; MovieClip.prototype.marrowfunc = function () { this._parent.attachMovie("marrow", "mmarrow", 99); this._parent.mmarrow.globalcol(textcolor); this._parent.mmarrow._y = 6; this._parent.mmarrow.mfade({_x: 8}, 2); }; getpopdesc = function () { mydesc = new LoadVars(); mydesc.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { if (mydesc.result.length > 0 && removing != 1 && bbuildt && mydesc.result != "none") { if (popstring.length) { popstring = popstring + "

"; pmotion = false; } else { pmotion = true; } // end else if popstring = popstring + ("" + rootalias.aliasdescription + ":
" + this.result); createpopbox("finfo", 998, 250, 10, popstring, 0, verdanaformat, false, pmotion); } // end if } // end if }; mydesc.load(configglobalpath + "gettxt." + configserverextension + "?ref=" + getpath); }; MovieClip.prototype.folderdescriptions = function (thenode) { delete mydesc; if (configshowfolderdescriptions != false) { popstring = ""; if (thenode == undefined) { nodeget = this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1; nodeget2 = this._parent.subnum - 1; } else { nodeget = thenode; nodeget2 = this._parent.clipnum - 1; } // end else if getpath = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[nodeget].childNodes[nodeget2].attributes.path; if (configshowfolderdescriptions[0] || configshowfolderdescriptions == true) { getname = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[nodeget].childNodes[nodeget2].attributes.name; popstring = "" + rootalias.aliasfoldername + ": " + getname; } // end if if (configshowfolderdescriptions[1] || configshowfolderdescriptions == true) { getgroup = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[nodeget].attributes.name; if (popstring.length) { popstring = popstring + "
"; } // end if popstring = popstring + ("" + rootalias.aliasgroupname + ": " + getgroup); } // end if if (configshowfolderdescriptions[2] || configshowfolderdescriptions == true) { getamount = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[nodeget].childNodes[nodeget2].attributes.amount; if (popstring.length) { popstring = popstring + "
"; } // end if popstring = popstring + ("" + rootalias.aliasimages + ": " + getamount); } // end if if (popstring.length) { createpopbox("finfo", 998, 250, 10, popstring, 0, verdanaformat, false, true); } // end if if (configshowfolderdescriptions[3] || configshowfolderdescriptions == true) { getpopdesc(); } // end if } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.attachtext2 = function () { if (touppercase == "true") { mytext = mytext.toUpperCase(); } // end if this.attachMovie("menufield", "top", 201, {_x: textposx, _y: textposy}); this.top.mytf.text = mytext; this.top.mytf.textColor = textcolor; this.top.mytf.autoSize = "left"; }; MovieClip.prototype.attachsubtext = function () { this.attachtext2(); this.attachMovie("foldernum", "foldernum", 102); this.foldernum.globalcol(textcolor); this.foldernum.myt = folderamount; this.foldernum._y = this.foldernum._y + 3; this.foldernum._x = this.top.mytf.textWidth + 32; }; setmenu = function () { minmax._visible = true; minmax.mset({_alpha: 0, _x: 0}); minmax.mfade({_alpha: 100, _x: 14}, 2); minmax.tft.text = minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.mainmenu.toUpperCase(); minmax.invback._width = minmax.tft.textWidth + 30; if (!configmenuopen) { minmax.roanim.setrot(7, -2, 0); } else { minmax.roanim.setrot(20, -2, 90); } // end else if }; minmax._visible = false; this.barstep2(); loadmenu(); stop (); ?8=menuvars(); mysoundfx = new Sound(this); mytextformat = new TextFormat(textfont, textsize, textcolor, bold, italic, underline, url, target, align, leftmargin, indent, leading); createmenu = function () { handlerone(); }; handlerone = function () { var _loc1 = attachMovie("menufield", "mf", 10); maxlength = 0; for (h = 0; h < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length; h++) { temptext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[h].attributes.name; if (touppercase == "true") { temptext = temptext.toUpperCase(); } // end if _loc1.mytf.text = temptext; _loc1.mytf.autoSize = true; mytlength = _loc1.mytf.textWidth; if (mytlength > maxlength) { maxlength = mytlength; } // end if } // end of for maxheight = _loc1.mytf.textHeight; _loc1.removeMovieClip(); handlertwo(); }; handlertwo = function () { var _loc1 = attachMovie("menufield", "mf", 10); maxlength2 = 0; submaxarray = new Array(); for (h1 = 0; h1 < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length; h1++) { submaxarray[h1] = 0; for (h2 = 0; h2 < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[h1].childNodes.length; h2++) { temptext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[h1].childNodes[h2].attributes.name + "[ " + mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[h1].childNodes[h2].attributes.amount + " ]"; if (touppercase == "true") { temptext = temptext.toUpperCase(); } // end if _loc1.mytf.text = temptext; _loc1.mytf.autoSize = true; mytlength = _loc1.mytf.textWidth; if (mytlength > submaxarray[h1]) { submaxarray[h1] = mytlength; } // end if } // end of for } // end of for _loc1.removeMovieClip(); buildmenu(); }; buildmenu = function () { if (open) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; textposx = hpad - 2 + rxpos; textposy = vpad - 1 + rypos; setfx("button2"); this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i1 = 0; i1 < mspeed; i1++) { ++i; attachMovie("mainbutton", "bclip" + i, i); this["bclip" + i].bback.globalcol(backcolor); mytext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[i - 1].attributes.name; this["bclip" + i].clipnum = i; this["bclip" + i]._x = xpos; if (i > 1) { this["bclip" + i].mset({_y: ypos - 20}); } else { this["bclip" + i].mset({_y: ypos}); } // end else if this["bclip" + i].mfade({_y: ypos}, 1.500000E+000); this["bclip" + i].finifunc = function () { this.mainbuttons(); }; this["bclip" + i].bback._width = maxlength + hpad * 2; this["bclip" + i].bback._height = maxheight + vpad * 2; this["bclip" + i].invHit._height = this["bclip" + i].bback._height + menupad; this["bclip" + i].invHit._width = this["bclip" + i].bback._width + menupad; this["bclip" + i].bback.hitArea = this["bclip" + i].invHit; if (current == this["bclip" + i].clipnum) { this["bclip" + i].bback.mfade({_alpha: 90}, 2); } // end if if (mainshadow == "true") { this["bclip" + i].attachshadow(); } // end if this["bclip" + i].attachtext2(); ypos = ypos + (maxheight + vpad * 2 + menupad); if (i >= mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; bbuildt = true; i = 0; ypos = 11; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.mainbuttons = function () { this.bback.onPress = function () { _parent._parent.infotextrem(); this._parent.transfusion(); }; this.bback.onRollOver = function () { if (open) { this.mfade({_alpha: 80}, 2); _parent._parent.infotext(mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.name); _parent._parent.setfx("button5"); this.marrowfunc(); this.pressfunc(2); } // end if }; this.bback.onRollOut = this.bback.onDragOut = function () { if (open) { if (current != this._parent.clipnum) { this.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); } else { this.mfade({_alpha: 90}, 2); } // end else if _parent._parent.infotextrem(); this._parent.mmarrow.mfade({_alpha: 0}, 2, true); this.pressfunc(1); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.transfusion = function () { if (running != 1) { newclip = this.clipnum; if (created == 0) { this.bback.mfade({_alpha: 90}, 2); this.bback._width = this.bback._width + activeInc; this.createsub(); } else if (current == this.clipnum) { this.bback.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); this.bback._width = this.bback._width - activeInc; this.bback.gotoAndStop(1); this.removesub(); } else { this._parent["bclip" + newclip].bback.mfade({_alpha: 90}, 2); this._parent["bclip" + old].bback.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); this._parent["bclip" + newclip].bback._width = this._parent["bclip" + newclip].bback._width + activeInc; this._parent["bclip" + old].bback._width = this._parent["bclip" + old].bback._width - activeInc; this._parent["bclip" + old].bback.pressfunc(1); removeold(); } // end else if } // end else if }; removeold = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; running = 1; maxirem = this["bclip" + old].si + 1; this["bclip" + old].onEnterFrame = function () { for (i2 = 0; i2 < mspeed; i2++) { delete this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOver; delete this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOut; if (this.si > 1) { yout2 = this["subclip" + this.si]._y - 20; } // end if this["subclip" + this.si].mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: yout2}, 1.500000E+000, true); --this.si; if (this.si <= 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; running = 0; created = 0; this._parent["bclip" + newclip].createsub(); delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; }; MovieClip.prototype.createsub = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; running = 1; old = this.clipnum; current = this.clipnum; creating = 1; menurepos(); this.si = 0; setfx("button2"); this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i2 = 0; i2 < mspeed; i2++) { ++this.si; this.attachMovie("mainbutton", "subclip" + this.si, this.si + 5); this["subclip" + this.si].bback.globalcol(backcolor); this["subclip" + this.si].subnum = this.si; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.pressfunc(3); mytext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[current - 1].childNodes[this.si - 1].attributes.name; folderamount = "[ " + mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this.clipnum - 1].childNodes[this.si - 1].attributes.amount + " ]"; this["subclip" + this.si].attachsubtext(); this["subclip" + this.si]._x = this.bback._width; this["subclip" + this.si].bback._width = submaxarray[current - 1] + hpad * 2; this["subclip" + this.si].bback._height = this.bback._height; this["subclip" + this.si].invHit._width = this["subclip" + this.si].bback._width; this["subclip" + this.si].invHit._height = this.bback._height + menupad; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.hitArea = this["subclip" + this.si].invHit; this.subypos = (this.si - 1) * (maxheight + vpad * 2 + menupad); if (this.si > 1) { this["subclip" + this.si].mset({_y: this.subypos - 20}); } // end if this["subclip" + this.si].mfade({_y: this.subypos}, 1.500000E+000); this["subclip" + this.si].finifunc = function () { this.mainsubbuttons(); }; if (mainshadow == "true") { this["subclip" + this.si].attachshadow(); } // end if if (this.si >= mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this.clipnum - 1].childNodes.length) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; created = 1; creating = 0; running = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; }; MovieClip.prototype.mainsubbuttons = function () { this.bback.onPress = function () { minmax.roanim.setrot(7, -2, 0); delete mydesc.onLoad; finfo.popstop(); _parent._parent.folderinfo.nofunc(); _parent._parent.killstartfx(); _global.imagefolderindex = this._parent.subnum - 1; _global.groupfolderindex = this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1; _parent._parent.folder = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1].childNodes[this._parent.subnum - 1].attributes.path; mhead = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[current - 1].childNodes[this._parent.subnum - 1].attributes.name; mcat = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.name; _parent._parent.mainhead.sethead(mcat, mhead); removeMenu(); trigmove(46, 29, 2.000000E-001); _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(11); }; this.bback.onRollOver = function () { if (removing != 1 && bbuildt) { this.mfade({_alpha: 80}, 2); this.folderdescriptions(); _parent._parent.setfx("button5"); this.pressfunc(4); this.marrowfunc(); } // end if }; this.bback.onRollOut = this.bback.onDragOut = function () { delete mydesc.onLoad; if (removing != 1) { finfo.popstop(); this.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); this.pressfunc(3); this._parent.mmarrow.mfade({_alpha: 0}, 2, true); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.removesub = function () { running = 1; if (removing != 1) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; removing = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i2 = 0; i2 < mspeed; i2++) { delete this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOver; delete this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOut; if (this.si > 1) { yout2 = this["subclip" + this.si]._y - 20; } // end if this["subclip" + this.si].mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: yout2}, 1.500000E+000, true); --this.si; if (this.si <= 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; created = 0; removing = 0; running = 0; current = null; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.attachshadow = function () { offset = 1; this.bback.swapDepths(2); this.attachMovie("newShadowMC", "shadowmc", 1); this.shadowmc._alpha = 30; this.shadowmc._y = offset; this.shadowmc._x = offset; this.shadowmc._height = this.bback._height + 1; this.shadowmc._width = this.bback._width + 1; }; menurepos = function () { addx = maxlength + hpad * 2 + menupad + submaxarray[current - 1] + hpad * 2 + dragmargin; addy = (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[current - 1].childNodes.length - (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length - (current - 1))) * (vpad * 2 + maxheight + menupad) + dragmargin; lposx = _x + addx; lposy = _y + _height + addy; if (lposx > Stage.width || lposy > Stage.height) { if (lposx > Stage.width) { xm = 1; } // end if if (lposy > Stage.height) { ym = 1; } // end if reposgo = 1; } // end if if (reposgo == 1) { startposx = _x; startposy = _y; if (xm == 1) { targetposx = Stage.width - addx; } else { targetposx = _x; } // end else if if (ym == 1) { targetposy = Stage.height - (_height + addy); } else { targetposy = _y; } // end else if xm = 0; ym = 0; deltax = targetposx - _x; deltay = targetposy - _y; this.onEnterFrame = function () { rex = rex + 2.000000E-001; c = Math.sin(rex) * Math.sin(rex); setProperty("", _x, Math.round(startposx + c * deltax)); setProperty("", _y, Math.round(startposy + c * deltay)); if (rex >= 1.570796E+000) { rex = 0; setProperty("", _x, targetposx); setProperty("", _y, targetposy); reposgo = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.pressfunc = function (framenum) { this.gotoAndStop(framenum); }; MovieClip.prototype.removeMenu = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; setfx("button2"); removing = 1; open = false; created = 0; remlength = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i1 = 0; i1 < mspeed; i1++) { if (remlength > 1) { yout = this["bclip" + remlength]._y - 20; } else { yout = this["bclip" + remlength]._y; } // end else if this["bclip" + remlength].mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: yout}, 1.500000E+000, true); --remlength; if (remlength <= 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; removing = 0; bbuildt = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; }; created = 0; open = _global.configmenuopen; createmenu(); stop (); ?j3menuvars(); mysoundfx = new Sound(this); mytextformat = new TextFormat(textfont, textsize, textcolor, bold, italic, underline, url, target, align, leftmargin, indent, leading); createmenu = function () { handlerone(); }; handlerone = function () { var _loc1 = attachMovie("menufield", "mf", 10); maxlength = 0; for (h = 0; h < mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes.length; h++) { temptext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[h].attributes.name + "[ " + mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[h].attributes.amount + " ]"; if (touppercase == "true") { temptext = temptext.toUpperCase(); } // end if _loc1.mytf.text = temptext; _loc1.mytf.autoSize = true; mytlength = _loc1.mytf.textWidth; if (mytlength > maxlength) { maxlength = mytlength; } // end if } // end of for maxheight = _loc1.mytf.textHeight; _loc1.removeMovieClip(); buildmenu(); }; buildmenu = function () { if (open) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; setfx("button2"); textposx = hpad - 2 + rxpos; textposy = vpad - 1 + rypos; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i1 = 0; i1 < mspeed; i1++) { ++i; attachMovie("mainbutton", "bclip" + i, i); this["bclip" + i].bback.globalcol(backcolor); mytext = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[i - 1].attributes.name; folderamount = "[ " + mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[i - 1].attributes.amount + " ]"; this["bclip" + i].clipnum = i; this["bclip" + i]._x = xpos; if (i > 1) { this["bclip" + i].mset({_y: ypos - 20}); } else { this["bclip" + i].mset({_y: ypos}); } // end else if this["bclip" + i].mfade({_y: ypos}, 1.500000E+000); this["bclip" + i].finifunc = function () { this.mainsubbuttons(); }; this["bclip" + i].bback._width = maxlength + hpad * 2; this["bclip" + i].bback._height = maxheight + vpad * 2; this["bclip" + i].invHit._height = this["bclip" + i].bback._height + menupad; this["bclip" + i].invHit._width = this["bclip" + i].bback._width + menupad; this["bclip" + i].bback.hitArea = this["bclip" + i].invHit; if (mainshadow == "true") { this["bclip" + i].attachshadow(); } // end if if (current == this["bclip" + i].clipnum) { this["bclip" + i].bback.mfade({_alpha: 90}, 2); } // end if this["bclip" + i].attachsubtext(); ypos = ypos + (maxheight + vpad * 2 + menupad); if (i >= mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes.length) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; bbuildt = true; i = 0; ypos = 11; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.mainsubbuttons = function () { this.bback.onPress = function () { current = this._parent.clipnum; finfo.popstop(); _parent._parent.folderinfo.nofunc(); _parent._parent.killstartfx(); _global.imagefolderindex = this._parent.clipnum - 1; _global.groupfolderindex = gf; _parent._parent.folder = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[this._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.path; mhead = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes[this._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.name; mcat = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].attributes.name; _parent._parent.mainhead.sethead(mcat, mhead); removeMenu(); trigmove(46, 29, 2.000000E-001); _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(11); }; this.bback.onRollOver = function () { if (open) { this.mfade({_alpha: 80}, 2); this.folderdescriptions(gf); _parent._parent.infotext(mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.name); _parent._parent.setfx("button5"); this._parent.attachMovie("marrow", "mmarrow", 99); this.marrowfunc(); } // end if }; this.bback.onRollOut = this.bback.onDragOut = function () { if (open) { finfo.popstop(); this.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 2); _parent._parent.infotextrem(); this._parent.mmarrow.mfade({_alpha: 0}, 2, true); this.pressfunc(1); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.transfusion = function () { if (running != 1) { newclip = this.clipnum; if (created == 0) { this.bback._width = this.bback._width + activeInc; this.createsub(); } else if (current == this.clipnum) { this.bback._width = this.bback._width - activeInc; this.bback.gotoAndStop(1); this.removesub(); } else { this._parent["bclip" + newclip].bback._width = this._parent["bclip" + newclip].bback._width + activeInc; this._parent["bclip" + old].bback._width = this._parent["bclip" + old].bback._width - activeInc; this._parent["bclip" + old].bback.pressfunc(1); removeold(); } // end else if } // end else if }; removeold = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; running = 1; maxirem = this["bclip" + old].si + 1; this["bclip" + old].onEnterFrame = function () { for (i2 = 0; i2 < mspeed; i2++) { this["subclip" + this.si].removeMovieClip(); --this.si; if (this.si == 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; running = 0; created = 0; this._parent["bclip" + newclip].createsub(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if } // end of for }; }; MovieClip.prototype.createsub = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; running = 1; old = this.clipnum; current = this.clipnum; creating = 1; menurepos(); this.si = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++this.si; this.attachMovie("mainbutton", "subclip" + this.si, this.si + 5); this["subclip" + this.si].bback.globalcol(configbgcol); this["subclip" + this.si].subnum = this.si; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.pressfunc(3); this["subclip" + this.si].attachtext(); this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onPress = function () { _parent._parent.folderinfo.nofunc(); _parent._parent.killstartfx(); _parent._parent.folder = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1].childNodes[this._parent.subnum - 1].attributes.path; mhead = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[current - 1].childNodes[this._parent.subnum - 1].attributes.name; mcat = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this._parent._parent.clipnum - 1].attributes.name; _parent._parent.mainhead.sethead(mcat, mhead); removeMenu(); trigmove(46, 29, 2.000000E-001); _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(11); }; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOver = function () { _parent._parent.setfx("button5"); this.pressfunc(4); this._parent.attachMovie("marrow", "mmarrow", 99); this._parent.mmarrow._x = 8; this._parent.mmarrow._y = 4; }; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.onRollOut = function () { _parent._parent.folderinfo.nofunc(); this.pressfunc(3); this._parent.mmarrow.removeMovieClip(); }; this["subclip" + this.si]._x = this.bback._width; this["subclip" + this.si].bback._width = submaxarray[current - 1] + hpad * 2; this["subclip" + this.si].bback._height = this.bback._height; this["subclip" + this.si].invHit._height = this.bback._height + menupad; this["subclip" + this.si].bback.hitArea = this["subclip" + this.si].invHit; this.subypos = (this.si - 1) * (maxheight + vpad * 2 + menupad); this["subclip" + this.si]._y = this.subypos; if (mainshadow == "true") { this["subclip" + this.si].attachshadow(); } // end if if (this.si >= mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[this.clipnum - 1].childNodes.length) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; created = 1; creating = 0; running = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.removesub = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; running = 1; if (removing ne 1) { removing = 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this["subclip" + this.si].removeMovieClip(); --this.si; if (this.si == 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; created = 0; removing = 0; running = 0; current = null; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.attachshadow = function () { offset = 1; this.bback.swapDepths(2); this.attachMovie("newShadowMC", "shadowmc", 1); this.shadowmc._alpha = 30; this.shadowmc._y = offset; this.shadowmc._x = offset; this.shadowmc._height = this.bback._height + 1; this.shadowmc._width = this.bback._width + 1; }; menurepos = function () { addx = maxlength + hpad * 2 + menupad + submaxarray[current - 1] + hpad * 2 + dragmargin; addy = (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[current - 1].childNodes.length - (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes.length - (current - 1))) * (vpad * 2 + maxheight + menupad) + dragmargin; lposx = _x + addx; lposy = _y + _height + addy; if (lposx > Stage.width || lposy > Stage.height) { if (lposx > Stage.width) { xm = 1; } // end if if (lposy > Stage.height) { ym = 1; } // end if reposgo = 1; } // end if if (reposgo == 1) { startposx = _x; startposy = _y; if (xm == 1) { targetposx = Stage.width - addx; } else { targetposx = _x; } // end else if if (ym == 1) { targetposy = Stage.height - (_height + addy); } else { targetposy = _y; } // end else if xm = 0; ym = 0; deltax = targetposx - _x; deltay = targetposy - _y; this.onEnterFrame = function () { rex = rex + 2.000000E-001; c = Math.sin(rex) * Math.sin(rex); setProperty("", _x, Math.round(startposx + c * deltax)); setProperty("", _y, Math.round(startposy + c * deltay)); if (rex >= 1.570796E+000) { rex = 0; setProperty("", _x, targetposx); setProperty("", _y, targetposy); reposgo = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.pressfunc = function (framenum) { this.gotoAndStop(framenum); }; MovieClip.prototype.removeMenu = function () { _parent._parent.main.motion = 0; setfx("button2"); removing = 1; open = false; created = 0; remlength = mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[gf].childNodes.length; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i1 = 0; i1 < mspeed; i1++) { if (remlength > 1) { yout = this["bclip" + remlength]._y - 20; } // end if this["bclip" + remlength].mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: yout}, 1.500000E+000, true); --remlength; if (remlength <= 0) { _parent._parent.main.motion = 1; removing = 0; bbuildt = false; delete this.onEnterFrame; break; } // end if } // end of for }; }; created = 0; open = _global.configmenuopen; createmenu(); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?Fsetbackctm = function () { clearitems(); for (i = 0; i < backrightclickmenu.length; i++) { if (configbackrightclick[i]) { cmi = new ContextMenuItem(backrightclickmenu[i], _parent[backrightclickfunctions[i]]); my_cm.customItems.push(cmi); } // end if } // end of for }; setthumbctm = function () { clearitems(); for (i = 0; i < thumbrightclickmenu.length; i++) { if (configthumbrightclick[i]) { cmi = new ContextMenuItem(thumbrightclickmenu[i], this[thumbrightclickfunctions[i]]); my_cm.customItems.push(cmi); } // end if } // end of for }; setsubbuttonctm = function () { clearitems(); for (i = 0; i < subbuttonrightclickmenu.length; i++) { if (configsubbuttonrightclick[i]) { cmi = new ContextMenuItem(subbuttonrightclickmenu[i], this[subbuttonrightclickfunctions[i]]); my_cm.customItems.push(cmi); } // end if } // end of for }; setctm = function () { clearitems(); for (i = 0; i < rightclickmenu.length; i++) { if (configimagerightclick[i]) { cmi = new ContextMenuItem(rightclickmenu[i], _parent[rightclickfunctions[i]]); my_cm.customItems.push(cmi); if (rightclickmenu[i] == rootalias.viewdescription) { indexd = i; continue; } // end if if (rightclickmenu[i] == rootalias.motionontext) { indexm = i; } // end if } // end if } // end of for }; setdefctm = function () { my_cm = new ContextMenu(menuHandler); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); cmi = new ContextMenuItem("def", def); my_cm.customItems.push(cmi); _root.menu = my_cm; my_cm.onSelect = function () { crow.handlerightclick(); }; }; clearitems = function () { my_cm.customItems.splice(0, my_cm.customItems.length); }; MovieClip.prototype.handlerightclick = function () { if (crowitem == "thumb") { setthumbctm(); if (configthumbrightclick[0]) { my_cm.customItems[0].caption = checkhideextension(_parent._parent.imagearray[this._parent.mynum]); } // end if tni = this._parent.mynum; } else if (crowitem == "subbutton") { setthumbctm(); if (configthumbrightclick[0]) { my_cm.customItems[0].caption = checkhideextension(_parent._parent.imagearray[this._parent.mynum - 1]); } // end if tni = this._parent.mynum - 1; } else if (crowitem == "image") { setctm(); if (indexd != undefined) { if (_parent.dopen) { my_cm.customItems[indexd].caption = rootalias.hidedescription; } else { my_cm.customItems[indexd].caption = rootalias.viewdescription; } // end if } // end else if if (indexm != undefined) { if (_parent.setmotion) { my_cm.customItems[indexm].caption = rootalias.motionontext; } else { my_cm.customItems[indexm].caption = rootalias.motionofftext; } // end else if if (_parent.tsmall < 2) { my_cm.customItems[indexm].enabled = true; } else { my_cm.customItems[indexm].enabled = false; } // end if } // end else if } else { setbackctm(); if (_parent.thumbs) { my_cm.customItems[0].caption = rootalias.nextthumbnailstext; my_cm.customItems[1].caption = rootalias.previousthumbnailstext; my_cm.customItems[2].caption = checkhideextension(_parent._parent.imagearray[_parent.image]); } else { my_cm.customItems[0].caption = rootalias.nextimagetext; my_cm.customItems[1].caption = rootalias.previousimagetext; my_cm.customItems[2].caption = rootalias.thumbtext; } // end else if } // end else if }; _parent.rpop = function () { popwindowfunc(); }; _parent.rwin = function () { normalwindowfunc(); }; rimage = function () { crow._parent.tpress(); }; rpop = function () { popwindowfunc(tni); }; rwin = function () { normalwindowfunc(tni); }; def = function () { trace ("def"); }; rightclickmenu = new Array(rootalias.poptext, rootalias.blanktext, rootalias.thumbtext, rootalias.viewdescription, rootalias.motionontext, rootalias.nextimagetext, rootalias.previousimagetext); rightclickfunctions = new Array("rpop", "rwin", "thumbtoggle", "toggledesc", "motiontoggle", "nextfunc", "previousfunc"); thumbrightclickmenu = new Array("Image", rootalias.poptext, rootalias.blanktext); thumbrightclickfunctions = new Array("rimage", "rpop", "rwin"); backrightclickmenu = new Array(rootalias.nextimagetext, rootalias.previousimagetext, rootalias.thumbtext); backrightclickfunctions = new Array("nextfunc", "previousfunc", "thumbtoggle"); this.swapDepths(777); setdefctm(); _global.crowitem = "back"; _global.crow = this; setbackctm();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?Athumbsremove = function () { _parent.motion = false; thumbremoving = true; delete onEnterFrame; pre.removeMovieClip(); _parent.controlpanel.thumbtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); _parent.controlpanel.thumbtoggle.active = false; _parent.display = rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase() + " " + (_parent.image + 1) + "/" + _parent._parent.imagearray.length; _parent.controlpanel.navihead.mytf.text = _parent.display; _parent.nextfield = _parent._parent.nextimagetext; _parent.previousfield = _parent._parent.previousimagetext; first = lastclipindex; if (lastclipindex + 12 > _parent._parent.imagearray.length) { last = _parent._parent.imagearray.length; } else { last = lastclipindex + 12; } // end else if current = i; onEnterFrame = function () { --current; this["clip" + current].clearInterval(activeblink); this["clip" + current].removeMovieClip(); if (current == first) { thumbremoving = false; delete onEnterFrame; _parent.motion = true; } // end if }; }; thumbsflip = function () { first = lastclipindex; if (lastclipindex + 12 > _parent._parent.imagearray.length) { last = _parent._parent.imagearray.length; } else { last = i; } // end else if current = first; onEnterFrame = function () { this["clip" + current].clearInterval(activeblink); this["clip" + current].removeMovieClip(); ++current; if (current == last) { delete onEnterFrame; init(); } // end if }; }; init = function () { cititem = 0; _parent.textmc.removeMovieClip(); attachMovie("loadfield", "pre", 950); if (configtextcol != configthumbframe[1]) { pre.globalcol(configtextcol); } else if (configbgcol != configthumbframe[1] && configthumbframe != false && configthumbframe[1] != false) { pre.globalcol(configbgcol); } else { pre.globalcol(0); } // end else if pre.field.dotrun(rootalias.loading.toUpperCase()); i = _parent.image - _parent.cititem; if (i < 0) { i = 0; } // end if i = i + _parent.thumbindex; if (_parent._parent.imagearray.length < 13) { i = 0; } // end if if (i <= 0) { _parent.thumbindex = _parent.thumbindex + -i; _parent.lowlimit = 1; i = 0; } else { _parent.lowlimit = 0; } // end else if itop = i + 12; if (itop > _parent._parent.imagearray.length) { itop = _parent._parent.imagearray.length; } // end if trace ("THUMBNAILINIT i: " + i); settnback(i, itop - i); _parent.display = rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase() + " [" + (i + 1) + "-" + itop + "]/" + _parent._parent.imagearray.length; _parent.controlpanel.navihead.mytf.text = _parent.display; if (i >= _parent._parent.imagearray.length - 12) { _parent.highlimit = 1; } else { _parent.highlimit = 0; } // end else if lastclipindex = i; if (_parent._parent.image.firstChild.attributes.thumbpath == null) { prepath = String(_parent._parent.file + "/thumbs/"); } else { prepath = _parent._parent.image.firstChild.attributes.thumbpath; } // end else if xpos = -125; ypos = 41; xpro = 159; ypro = 119; checkamount(); }; preload = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget.getBytesTotal(); if (myload == mytotal && myload > 10 && this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._width > 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this["clip" + (i - 1)].miffunc(); if (_parent["tcache" + i] != 1) { this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget.tnlfadein(); setfx("button5", 0, 50); } // end if this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._x = this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._x + Math.round((158 - this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._width) / 2); this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._y = this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._y + Math.round((118 - this["clip" + (i - 1)].tnltarget._height) / 2); _parent["tcache" + (i - 1)] = 1; checkamount(); done = 0; } // end if }; }; checkamount = function () { xpos = xpos + xpro; if (xpos > 511) { xpos = 34; ypos = ypos + ypro; } // end if if (ypos > 279 || i == _parent._parent.imagearray.length) { pre.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); } else { newclip(); } // end else if }; newclip = function () { attachMovie("thumbtarget", "clip" + i, i); if (i == _parent.image) { this["clip" + i].active = 1; } // end if trace (xpos + " : " + ypos); this["clip" + i].mset({_x: xpos, _y: ypos + 20}); if (_parent["tcache" + i] == 1) { this["clip" + i].mfade({_y: ypos}, 1.500000E+000); } else { this["clip" + i].mfade({_y: ypos}, 2); } // end else if this.pre.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: ypos + 41, _x: xpos + 57}); this.pre.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: ypos + 51}, 3); file = _parent._parent.imagearray[i]; this["clip" + i].mynum = i; this["clip" + i].inum = _parent._parent.imagetext + " " + (i + 1); this["clip" + i].fname = file.toUpperCase(); this["clip" + i].cititem = cititem; if (rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.nothumb == "1") { _parent.testshit = "getfile." + configserverextension + "?img=" + configfolder + file; if (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[groupfolderindex].childNodes[imagefolderindex].attributes.perm == "777") { rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.nothumb = "0"; } // end if } else { _parent.testshit = configfolder + "tn_" + file; } // end else if loadMovie(configglobalpath + _parent.testshit, this["clip" + i].tnltarget); ++i; ++cititem; preload(); };  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicSprite,,drag? Layer 1?,,dout? Layer 5?@l@lP=onClipEvent (load) { setProperty("", _visible, 0); } hand? Layer 7?((moveme? Layer 9?,,navihead? Layer 13?<< naviclose? Layer 15? stop (); ?T drag.useHandCursor = false; createEmptyMovieClip("controller", 1); drag.tnds._visible = 0; attachMovie("loadfield", "nl", 102); nl.field.dotrun(rootalias.loading.toUpperCase()); nl.globalcol(configtextcol); nl._x = 25; nl._y = 17; if (rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent._parent.image].attributes.nothumb == "1") { filetoload = "getfile." + configserverextension + "?img=" + _parent._parent._parent.folder + _parent._parent.file; if (mymenu.firstChild.childNodes[groupfolderindex].childNodes[imagefolderindex].attributes.perm == "777") { rootalias.image.firstChild.childNodes[_parent._parent.image].attributes.nothumb = "0"; } // end if } else { filetoload = _parent._parent._parent.folder + "tn_" + _parent._parent.file; } // end else if loadMovie(configglobalpath + filetoload, drag.tdl); controller.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = drag.tdl.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = drag.tdl.getBytesTotal(); if (myload == mytotal && myload > 10 && drag.tdl._width > 0) { nl.removeMovieClip(); drag.tnds._visible = 1; naviclose.setnaviclose(); moveme.dragb._width = drag.tdl._width + 2; this._parent.setpos(); mycol = new Color(drag.tdl); drag.tnds._x = drag.tdl._x - 1; drag.tnds._y = drag.tdl._y - 1; drag.tnds._height = drag.tdl._height + 3; drag.tnds._width = drag.tdl._width + 3; wr = 640 / _parent._parent.mytarget._width; if (wr > 1) { wr = 1; } // end if dwidth = Math.round(wr * drag.tdl._width); hr = 360 / _parent._parent.mytarget._height; if (hr > 1) { hr = 1; } // end if dheight = Math.round(hr * drag.tdl._height); dout.drawfunc(1, 1, dwidth, 1, dwidth, 2, 1, 2, "0x000000"); dout.drawfunc(1, dheight, dwidth + 1, dheight, dwidth + 1, dheight + 1, 1, dheight + 1, "0x000000"); dout.drawfunc(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, dheight, 1, dheight, "0x000000"); dout.drawfunc(dwidth, 1, dwidth + 1, 1, dwidth + 1, dheight, dwidth, dheight, "0x000000"); dout.drawfunc(0, 0, dwidth - 1, 0, dwidth - 1, 1, 0, 1, "0xFFFFFF"); dout.drawfunc(0, dheight - 1, dwidth, dheight - 1, dwidth, dheight, 0, dheight, "0xFFFFFF"); dout.drawfunc(0, 0, 1, 0, 1, dheight - 1, 0, dheight - 1, "0xFFFFFF"); dout.drawfunc(dwidth - 1, 0, dwidth, 0, dwidth, dheight - 1, dwidth - 1, dheight - 1, "0xFFFFFF"); dout.drawfunc(0, 0, dwidth, 0, dwidth, dheight, 0, dheight, "0xFFFFFF", 30); drag.tfadein(); this.removeMovieClip(); } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.drawfunc = function (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, mycol, myalpha) { if (myalpha == undefined) { myalpha = 100; } // end if this.moveTo(x1, y1); this.beginFill(mycol, myalpha); this.lineTo(x2, y2); this.lineTo(x3, y3); this.lineTo(x4, y4); this.endFill(); }; type; hand.onLoad = function () { this._visible = 0; }; dout.onRollOver = function () { setfx("button4", 0, 50); _parent._parent.motion = 0; hand._visible = 1; Mouse.hide(); createEmptyMovieClip("draghand", 2); hand._x = _xmouse; hand._y = _ymouse; draghand.onMouseMove = function () { hand._x = _xmouse; hand._y = _ymouse; updateAfterEvent(); }; drag.tdl.cshine(130, 130, 130, 3); }; dout.onRollOut = function () { _parent._parent.motion = 1; Mouse.show(); hand._visible = 0; draghand.removeMovieClip(); drag.tdl.cshine(100, 100, 100, 2); }; drag.onUnload = function () { _parent._parent.motion = 1; Mouse.show(); hand._visible = 0; draghand.removeMovieClip(); nl.removeMovieClip(); }; dout.onPress = function () { setfx("button5"); _parent._parent.motion = 0; hand.gotoAndStop(2); yratio = _parent._parent.mytarget._height / drag.tdl._height; xratio = _parent._parent.mytarget._width / drag.tdl._width; offy = _ymouse - this._y + 15; offx = _xmouse - this._x + 1; this.onMouseMove = function () { if (_parent._parent.hsmall == 0) { ympos = _ymouse - offy; if (ympos + this._height > drag.tdl._height) { ympos = drag.tdl._height - (this._height - 1); } else if (ympos < 0) { ympos = 0; } // end else if this._y = ympos + 15; _parent._parent.mytarget._y = 39 - ympos * yratio; } // end if if (_parent._parent.wsmall == 0) { xmpos = _xmouse - offx; if (xmpos + this._width > drag.tdl._width) { xmpos = drag.tdl._width - (this._width - 1); } else if (xmpos < 0) { xmpos = 0; } // end else if this._x = xmpos + 1; _parent._parent.mytarget._x = 31 - xmpos * xratio; } // end if updateAfterEvent(); }; }; dout.onRelease = function () { _parent._parent.motion = 1; hand.gotoAndStop(1); delete this.onMouseMove; }; dout.onReleaseOutside = function () { _parent._parent.motion = 1; delete this.onMouseMove; Mouse.show(); hand.gotoAndStop(1); hand._visible = 0; draghand.removeMovieClip(); mycol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100}); }; MovieClip.prototype.setnaviclose = function () { this._x = drag.tdl._width - this._width + 6; this.onRollOver = function () { setfx("button5"); navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasclose.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 20); }; this.onRollOut = function () { navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase(), "", 2, 5); }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; this.onPress = function () { minfunc(); }; }; minfunc = function () { mymcol = new Color(this); mcol = 100; mspeed = 50; this.onEnterFrame = function () { mcol = mcol + mspeed; mymcol.setTransform({ra: mcol, ga: mcol, ba: mcol}); if (mcol >= 500) { delete this.onEnterFrame; oldy = this._y; this.trigmove(this._x, this._y + drag.tdl._height, 6.000000E-001); naviclose.onPress = function () { gotoAndStop(2); }; mymcol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100}); gotoAndStop(3); } // end if }; }; MovieClip.prototype.setpos = function () { cmw = this._width; cmh = this._height; wmexcess = Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2); hmexcess = Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2); configimagenavidefpos.arraytonum(); if (wmexcess > configimagenavidefpos[0] + cmw - 700 && wmexcess > -configimagenavidefpos[0] && hmexcess > configimagenavidefpos[1] + cmh - 500 && hmexcess > -configimagenavidefpos[1]) { this.mset({_x: configimagenavidefpos[0], _y: configimagenavidefpos[1] - 20}); this.mfade({_y: configimagenavidefpos[1]}, 2); } else if (configimagenavidefpos[2] == "auto" || configimagenavidefpos[3] == "auto") { this._x = 668 - this._width; this._y = 45; } else { this._x = configimagenavidefpos[2]; this._y = configimagenavidefpos[3]; } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.tfadein = function () { this.mycol = new Color(this); this.mycol.setTransform({ra: 300, ga: 300, ba: 300, rb: 200, bb: 200, gb: 200}); ac = 300; bc = 200; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ac = ac - 30; bc = bc - 30; this.mycol.setTransform({ra: ac, ga: ac, ba: ac, rb: bc, gb: bc, bb: bc}); if (ac <= 100) { this.mycol.setTransform({ra: 100, ga: 100, ba: 100, rb: 0, gb: 0, bb: 0}); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; navihead.mytf.text = rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase(); navihead.mytf.autoSize = true; this.barstep5();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite@@ rightclick? Layer 1l l  hit? Layer 3l l  onClipEvent (load) { speed = Number(_global.configmotionspeed); ydir = -speed; xdir = -speed; over = 0; _parent.drag = 0; mycol = new Color(this); mycol.setTransform({ab: 1}); initx = _x; } mytarget? Masked Layer 6 - 5 CPicSymbol? Mask Layer 5?l&l&cover? Layer 9hh!topmc? Layer 11"subbar? Layer 13?ppfffimagepre? Layer 15 thumbnails? Layer 20dragc? Layer 22?uqinitslideshow = function () { if (Number(_global.configslideshow) > 0) { sstext = "SLIDESHOW: ON"; sscounter = Number(_global.configslideshow) - sstimer + "..."; controlarray[5] = sstext; ss = 1; sstimer = 0; myslide = setInterval(slideshow, 1000); } // end if }; slideshow = function () { if (!thumbs) { if (!imageinit) { ++sstimer; sscounter = Number(_global.configslideshow) - sstimer + "..."; if (sstimer >= Number(_global.configslideshow)) { sstimer = 0; nextfunc(); } // end if } // end if } // end if }; sstoggle = function () { ss = !ss; if (ss) { sstext = "SLIDESHOW: ON"; initslideshow(); } else { sstext = "SLIDESHOW: OFF"; clearInterval(myslide); sscounter = ""; } // end else if controlarray[5] = sstext; }; initslideshow(); if (_global.configdescriptions != false) { attachMovie("newdescription", "newdescription", 3); newdescription._y = -1; newdescription._visible = 0; } // end if getdesc = function () { newdescription._visible = 0; mydesc = new LoadVars(); mydesc.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { newdescription._visible = 1; if (mydesc.result.length < 1) { mydesc.result = rootalias.aliasnodescription; } // end if descloaded = true; if (_global.configdescriptions == "startopen") { newdescription.checkheight(); } else if (_global.configdescriptions == "startopenifopen") { if (dwasopen) { newdescription.checkheight(); } // end if } // end else if } // end if }; dpath = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[image].attributes.name; mydesc.load(configglobalpath + "gettxt.php?ref=" + _global.configfolder + dpath); }; newdescription.dclip.duffbutt.onPress = function () { toggledesc(); }; toggledesc = function () { if (dopen) { newdescription.closefunc(); } else { newdescription.checkheight(); } // end else if }; if (setinit == undefined) { MovieClip.prototype.normalwindowfunc = function (imagenum) { if (imagenum == undefined) { imagenum = image; } // end if file = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.name; getURL(configglobalpath + configfolder + file, "_blank"); }; MovieClip.prototype.popwindowfunc = function (imagenum, cachedonload) { if (imagenum == undefined) { imagenum = image; } // end if if (desc.length > 0) { poptop = desc; } else { poptop = String(prepath + file); } // end else if pwattribamount = 0; popwinaddwidth = 0; popwinaddheight = 0; pwattribamount = 3; popwinaddwidth = 0; popwinaddheight = 0; runpop(imagenum, cachedonload); }; MovieClip.prototype.runpop = function (imagenum, cachedonload) { if (sos == "MAC") { descadd = 80; } else { descadd = 70; } // end else if if (descheight + descadd > popwinaddheight) { popwinaddheight = descheight + descadd; } // end if if (!_global.configpopshowdesc) { popwinaddheight = 0; } // end if xscroll = 0; yscroll = 0; popfile = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.name; popwinwidth = Number(_parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.width) + popwinaddwidth + Number(_global.configpopmargin) * 2; popwinheight = Number(_parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.height) + popwinaddheight + Number(_global.configpopmargin) * 2; popwinscroll = 0; currentmargin = Number(_global.configpopmargin); popscroll = false; for (i = 0; i < configpopdisplay.length; i++) { if (configpopdisplay[i] == true) { configpopdisplay[i] = 1; continue; } // end if configpopdisplay[i] = 0; } // end of for if (configpopdisplay[1]) { popwinheight = popwinheight + 28; } // end if if (configpopdisplay[2]) { popwinheight = popwinheight + 82; } // end if if (configpopdisplay[4]) { popwinheight = popwinheight + 28; } // end if if (configpopdisplay[3]) { popwinheight = popwinheight - 138; popscroll = true; } // end if if (popwinwidth > screenx - 60) { popscroll = true; popwinwidth = screenx - 60; } // end if if (popwinheight > screeny - 140) { popscroll = true; popwinheight = Number(screeny) - 140; if (sos != "MAC") { popxpos = Math.round(screenx / 2 - popwinwidth / 2) - 8; } // end if } // end if if (!popscroll) { popwinwidth = popwinwidth - 18; if (configpopdisplay.length == 7) { _global.configpopdisplay[6] = 0; } else { _global.configpopdisplay.push(0); } // end else if } else if (configpopdisplay.length == 7) { _global.configpopdisplay[6] = 1; } else { _global.configpopdisplay.push(1); } // end else if popxpos = Math.round(screenx / 2 - popwinwidth / 2) - 10; popypos = screeny / 2 - popwinheight / 2 - 10; trace ("COL: " + configpopcol + " : " + configpopcol2); openWin(configglobalpath + "pop." + _global.configserverextension + "?path=" + _global.configfolder + popfile + "&margin=" + currentmargin + "&posx=" + Math.round(popwinwidth / 2) + "&posy=" + Math.round(popwinheight / 2) + "&popdisplay=" + configpopdisplay + "&lang=" + configtext + "&col1=" + configpopcol + "&col2=" + configpopcol2, "image" + imagenum, popwinwidth + 17, popwinheight, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, popypos, popxpos); if (cachedonload) { setcache(imagenum); } // end if }; fullwindowfunc = function () { if (desc.length > 0) { poptop = desc; } else { poptop = String(prepath + file); } // end else if newtest = configglobalpath + "pop." + _global.configserverextension + prepath + file; getURL(configglobalpath + "pop." + _global.configserverextension + "?path=" + prepath + file, "_blank"); }; motiontoggle = function () { if (!thumbs) { setmotion = !setmotion; checktargetmotion(); if (setmotion == true) { newscroller._visible = 0; motionfield = _parent.motionontext; controlpanel.motiontoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.motiontoggle.active = true; } else { newscroller._visible = 1; motionfield = _parent.motionofftext; controlpanel.motiontoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); controlpanel.motiontoggle.active = false; } // end else if settxts(); } // end if }; thumbtoggle = function () { if (!thumbnails.thumbremoving) { thumbs = !thumbs; if (confighideimage) { mytarget._visible = !thumbs; } // end if if (thumbs == true) { imageloaded = false; newdescription._visible = 0; controlpanel.thumbtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.thumbtoggle.active = true; controlpanel.presstoggle[3] = 0; remdragc(); pop._visible = 0; motiontoggler._visible = 0; newscroller._visible = 0; dragmc._visible = 0; thumbfield = _parent.thumbnailontext; thumbnails.init(); } else { imageloaded = true; newdescription._visible = 1; controlpanel.thumbtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); controlpanel.thumbtoggle.active = false; controlpanel.presstoggle[3] = 1; setdragc(); pop._visible = 1; if (setmotion == false) { newscroller._visible = 1; } // end if motiontoggler._visible = 1; thumbfield = _parent.thumbnailofftext; thumbnails.thumbsremove(); if (!firstimagesuccess) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { settnback(image, 1); } // end else if } // end else if settxts(); } // end if }; soi = SharedObject.getLocal("ivfzz"); sfxtoggle = function () { rootalias.sfxstate = !rootalias.sfxstate; soi.data.sfxstate = rootalias.sfxstate; soi.flush(); if (rootalias.sfxstate) { controlarray[6] = _parent.togglesfxontext; controlpanel.sfxtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.sfxtoggle.active = true; } else { controlarray[6] = _parent.togglesfxofftext; controlpanel.sfxtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); controlpanel.sfxtoggle.active = false; } // end else if }; if (configkeycontrols) { controlkey = new Object(); controlkey.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == "39") { nextfunc(); } else if (Key.getCode() == "37") { previousfunc(); } else if (Key.getCode() == "40") { if (!configthumbopenwin) { thumbtoggle(); } // end else if } // end else if }; Key.addListener(controlkey); } // end if this.onUnload = function () { Key.removeListener(controlkey); }; nextfunc = function () { imageinit = 1; textmc.removeMovieClip(); if (thumbs) { if (highlimit == 0) { thumbindex = thumbindex + 12; thumbnails.thumbsflip(); } // end if } else { ++image; multibuttons.multi.targetx = multibuttons.multi.targetx + 21; if (image == _parent.imagearray.length) { image = 0; } // end if motion = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } // end else if }; previousfunc = function () { textmc.removeMovieClip(); if (thumbs) { if (lowlimit == 0) { thumbnails.thumbsflip(); thumbindex = thumbindex - 12; } // end if } else { --image; multibuttons.multi.targetx = multibuttons.multi.targetx - 21; if (image < 0) { image = _parent.imagearray.length - 1; multibuttons.multi.targetx = image * 21 + 1.050000E+001; } // end if motion = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } // end else if }; setinit = 1; image = 0; if (configdirectimage != false) { lastslash = configdirectimage.lastIndexOf("/"); for (i = 0; i < _parent.imagearray.length; i++) { if (_parent.imagearray[i] == configdirectimage.substring(lastslash + 1, configdirectimage.length)) { image = i; break; } // end if } // end of for } // end if checktargetmotion(); motiontoggler.onPress = function () { motiontoggle(); }; motiontoggler.onRollOver = function () { _parent.setfx("button5"); motiontoggler.gotoAndStop(2); }; motiontoggler.onRollOut = function () { motiontoggler.gotoAndStop(1); }; thumbnailtoggler.onPress = function () { thumbtoggle(); }; thumbnailtoggler.onRollOver = function () { _parent.setfx("button5"); thumbnailtoggler.gotoAndStop(2); }; thumbnailtoggler.onRollOut = function () { thumbnailtoggler.gotoAndStop(1); }; next.onPress = function () { nextfunc(); }; next.onRollOver = function () { _parent.setfx("button5"); next.gotoAndStop(2); }; next.onRollOut = function () { next.gotoAndStop(1); }; previous.onPress = function () { previousfunc(); }; previous.onRollOver = function () { _parent.setfx("button5"); previous.gotoAndStop(2); }; previous.onRollOut = function () { previous.gotoAndStop(1); }; pop.onRelease = function () { if (desc.length > 0) { poptop = desc; } else { poptop = String(prepath + file); } // end else if popup(prepath + file, poptop, mytarget._width, mytarget._height); }; pop.onRollOver = function () { this.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.setfx("button5"); }; pop.onRollOut = function () { this.gotoAndStop(1); }; pop._visible = 0; hit._alpha = 0; attachhitinfo = function () { if (configimagepopinfo[0]) { if (configimageclicklink == "popup" || configimageclicklink == true) { imageaction = rootalias.poptext; } else if (configimageclicklink == "normal") { imageaction = rootalias.blanktext; } else if (configimageclicklink == "link") { imageaction = "click!"; } else if (configimageclicklink == "description") { if (dopen) { imageaction = rootalias.hidedescription; } else { imageaction = rootalias.viewdescription; } // end else if } else { imageaction = rootalias.thumbtext; } // end else if trace (configimageclicklink + " : " + imageaction); } // end if if (configimagepopinfo[1]) { displayimagename = true; } // end if if (configimagepopinfo[2]) { aw = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.width; ah = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.height; } // end if if (configimagepopinfo[3]) { as = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.size; } // end if if (configimagepopinfo[4]) { ad = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[imagenum].attributes.date; } // end if if (configimagepopinfo[5]) { rolldescription = true; } // end if if (firstd == undefined) { firstd = false; resetd(); } // end if hit.attachinfo(imageaction, file, aw, ah, as, ad, rolldescription, true, true, displayimagename); }; hit.onRollOver = function () { _global.crow = this; _global.crowitem = "image"; if (!thumbs) { if (imagenum == undefined) { imagenum = image; if (imagenum == undefined) { imagenum = 1; } // end if } // end if this.genover = true; if (configimagepopinfo != false) { attachhitinfo(); } // end if } // end if }; hit.onRollOut = function () { _global.crowitem = "back"; this.genover = false; rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); rootalias.ipop.popstop(); tndrag.removeMovieClip(); }; hit.onDragOut = Hit.onRollOut; hit.onPress = function () { linkcheck(); if (configimageclicklink != "description") { this.genover = false; rootalias.tinfo.popstop(); rootalias.ipop.popstop(); tndrag.removeMovieClip(); } else { attachhitinfo(); } // end else if }; linkcheck = function () { if (Key.isDown(16) && configshiftimageclicklink != false) { _global.configshiftimageclicklink.checklinktype(); } else { _global.configimageclicklink.checklinktype(); } // end else if }; String.prototype.checklinktype = function () { if (this == true || this == "popup") { popwindowfunc(); } else if (this == "normal") { normalwindowfunc(); } else if (this == "link") { _parent.mt.text = configdescriptions; if (!configdescriptions) { _parent.mt.text = "opt1"; cdesc = currentdescription; } else { _parent.mt.text = "opt2"; cdesc = mydesc.result; } // end else if if (cdesc.indexOf(">"; controlarray[0] = "<< " + _parent.previousthumbnailstext; controlarray[2] = _parent.thumbnailontext; } else { right.icon.gotoAndStop(2); left.icon.gotoAndStop(2); controlarray[3] = motionpretext; controlarray[1] = _parent.nextimagetext + " >"; controlarray[0] = "< " + _parent.previousimagetext; controlarray[2] = _parent.thumbnailofftext; } // end else if controlarray[4] = _parent.poptext; controlarray[5] = _parent.blanktext; if (rootalias.sfxstate) { controlarray[6] = _parent.togglesfxontext; } else { controlarray[6] = _parent.togglesfxofftext; } // end else if }; MovieClip.prototype.setcache = function (imagenum) { cachearray[imagenum] = 1; }; setaltnav = function () { if (_global.configaltnav) { attachMovie("altnav", "left", 1); attachMovie("altnav", "right", 2); if (_global.configthumbstart) { left.icon.gotoAndStop(2); right.icon.gotoAndStop(2); } // end if left._x = 45; left._y = 403; left._xscale = -100; right._x = 655; right._y = 403; left.altevents(); right.altevents(); left.onPress = function () { previousfunc(); }; right.onPress = function () { nextfunc(); }; } // end if }; MovieClip.prototype.altevents = function () { this.onRollOver = function () { ++this.icon._x; setfx("button5"); }; this.onRollOut = function () { --this.icon._x; }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; }; setdragc = function () { if (!thumbs) { if (tsmall < 2) { if (configimagenavigationpane != false) { dragc.dragger.gotoAndStop(2); } // end if } // end if } // end if }; remdragc = function () { if (_currentframe == 4) { delete imagepre.onEnterFrame; imagepre._alpha = 0; } // end if if (configimagenavigationpane != false) { dragc.dragger.gotoAndStop(1); } // end if }; resetd = function () { hit.dbeenhere = false; hit.dloaded = false; }; initiate = function () { if (!configthumbstart || configdirectimage != false) { thumbs = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } else { controlpanel.thumbtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.thumbtoggle.active = true; imageloaded = false; thumbs = 1; thumbnails.init(); stop (); } // end else if thumbindex = 0; cititem = 0; if (_global.configmotioninit) { setmotion = 1; controlpanel.motiontoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.motiontoggle.active = true; } else { setmotion = 0; controlpanel.motiontoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); controlpanel.motiontoggle.active = false; } // end else if if (rootalias.sfxstate) { controlpanel.sfxtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); controlpanel.sfxtoggle.active = true; } else { controlpanel.sfxtoggle.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); controlpanel.sfxtoggle.active = false; } // end else if settxts(); setaltnav(); this.barstep3(); }; controlarray = new Array("", "", "", "", "", "", ""); cachearray = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < _parent.images.length; i++) { cachearray.push(""); } // end of for for (i = 0; i < confignavigation.length; i++) { if (confignavigation[i] == true) { configcontrols = true; break; } // end if } // end of for if (configcontrols) { attachMovie("newcontrols", "controlpanel", 4); cmw = 150; cmh = 37; wmexcess = Math.round((Stage.width - 700) / 2); hmexcess = Math.round((Stage.height - 500) / 2); configcontrolsdefpos.arraytonum(); if (wmexcess > configcontrolsdefpos[0] + cmw - 700 && wmexcess > -configcontrolsdefpos[0] && hmexcess > configcontrolsdefpos[1] + cmh - 500 && hmexcess > -configcontrolsdefpos[1]) { controlpanel.mset({_x: configcontrolsdefpos[0], _y: configcontrolsdefpos[1] - 20}); controlpanel.mfade({_x: configcontrolsdefpos[0], _y: configcontrolsdefpos[1]}, 2); } else { controlpanel.mset({_x: configcontrolsdefpos[2] - 20, _y: configcontrolsdefpos[3]}); controlpanel.mfade({_x: configcontrolsdefpos[2], _y: configcontrolsdefpos[3]}, 2); } // end if } // end else if preinit = function () { clearInterval(preinitset); initiate(); }; if (configsubbuttons != false) { attachMovie("multibuttons", "multibuttons", 5); multibuttons._x = 0; multibuttons._y = -7; } else { preinitset = setInterval(preinit, 100); } // end else if this.barstep3(); stop (); } // end if checktargetmotion = function (bool) { if (setmotion) { mytarget.onEnterFrame = function () { if (thumbs == false) { if (drag == 0) { if (motion == 1) { if (this.over ne 1) { if (this._width > 640 || this._height > 360) { if (this._width > 640) { if (this._x <= 671 - this._width) { this.xdir = this.speed; } else if (this._x >= 31) { this.xdir = -this.speed; } // end else if this._x = this._x + this.xdir; xratio = this._width / dragc.dragger.drag.tdl._width; dragc.dragger.dout._x = Math.round(-(this._x - 31) / xratio) + 1; } // end if if (this._height > 360) { if (this._y <= 399 - this._height) { this.ydir = this.speed; } else if (this._y >= 39) { this.ydir = -this.speed; } // end else if this._y = this._y + this.ydir; yratio = this._height / dragc.dragger.drag.tdl._height; dragc.dragger.dout._y = Math.round(-(this._y - 39) / yratio) + 15; } // end if } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if } // end if } // end if } // end if } // end else if }; } else { delete mytarget.onEnterFrame; } // end else if }; versionbug(); ?remdragc(); setdot(image + 1); settnback(image, 1); if (thumbs) { thumbs = false; thumbnails.thumbsremove(); } // end if settxts(); ?if (configdescriptions != false) { if (dopen) { dwasopen = true; newdescription.closefunc(); } else { dwasopen = false; } // end if } // end else if stop (); ? display = rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase() + " " + (image + 1) + "/" + _parent.imagearray.length; controlpanel.navihead.khead(display, "", 3, 5); if (configtextcol == "FFFFFF") { imagepre.globalcol(configbgcol); } else { imagepre.globalcol(configtextcol); } // end else if imagepre.mset({_alpha: 0, _y: 180}); textmc.removeMovieClip(); if (_parent.image.firstChild.attributes.prepath == null) { prepath = String(_parent.file); } else { prepath = _parent.image.firstChild.attributes.prepath; } // end else if file = _parent.imagearray[image]; resetd(); if (_parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[image].attributes.progressive == "1") { loadMovie(configglobalpath + "prog.swf", mytarget); } else { loadMovie(configglobalpath + prepath + file, mytarget); } // end else if if (cachearray[image] != 1) { imagepre.mfade({_alpha: 100, _y: 200}, 2); displayfile = file.toUpperCase(); imagepre.field.khead(displayfile, "", 3, 31); } // end if myload = mytotal = 0; myimageloaded = false; clearInterval(chkprog); this.onEnterFrame = function () { myload = mytarget.getBytesLoaded(); mytotal = mytarget.getBytesTotal(); mypercent = Math.round(myload / mytotal * 100); imagepre.bar._xscale = imagepre.bar._xscale + (mypercent - imagepre.bar._xscale) / 3; percent = mypercent + " %"; if (myload == mytotal && mytotal > 0) { if (!myimageloaded) { myimageloaded = true; chkprog = setInterval(setprog, 2000); } // end if if (myload > 100 && mytarget._width > 0) { clearInterval(chkprog); imageloadfinifunc(); } // end if } // end if }; setprog = function () { clearInterval(chkprog); loadMovie(configglobalpath + "prog.swf", mytarget); myload = mytotal = 0; }; imageloadfinifunc = function () { if (confighideimage && thumbs) { mytarget._visible = false; } // end if imageloaded = true; if (hit.genover) { attachhitinfo(); } // end if delete this.onEnterFrame; if (cachearray[image] != 1) { imagepre.mfade({_alpha: 0, _y: 220}, 2, true, 998); } // end if firstimagesuccess = 1; nutopText = rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase() + " " + (image + 1) + " - " + checkhideextension(file.toUpperCase()); testhead.text = nutopText; testlength = testhead.textWidth; thumbnailtoggler._visible = 1; if (mytarget._width <= 640) { wsmall = 1; mytarget._x = -(mytarget._width - 640) / 2 + 31; } else { mytarget._x = 31; wsmall = 0; } // end else if if (mytarget._height <= 360) { hsmall = 1; mytarget._y = -(mytarget._height - 360) / 2 + 39; } else { mytarget._y = 39; hsmall = 0; } // end else if tsmall = hsmall + wsmall; desc = _parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[image].firstChild.nodeValue; thumbfield = _parent._parent.thumbnailofftext; cachearray[image] = 1; thumbindex = 0; filedisplay = file.toUpperCase(); multibuttons.multi["clip" + image]._alpha = 50; cover.transout(); gotoAndStop(_currentframe + 1); }; ?setdragc(); motion = 1; thumbfield = _parent.thumbnailofftext; motiontoggler._visible = 1; pop._visible = 1; imageinit = 0; if (setmotion == 0) { newscroller._visible = 1; } // end if checktargetmotion(); if (configdescriptions != false) { getdesc(); } // end if ?W_global.shopcon = new LocalConnection(); if (!cartarray.length) { _global.cartarray = new Array(); } // end if shopcon.popadd = function (path) { popcartimage = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path.length); cartadditem(popcartimage); }; shopcon.popremove = function (path) { popcartimage = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, path.length); cartremoveitem(popcartimage); }; cartadditem = function (popcartimage) { iexsist = false; for (i = 0; i < cartarray.length; i++) { if (cartarray[i] == popcartimage) { iexsist = true; break; } // end if } // end of for if (!iexsist) { cartarray.push(popcartimage); dooutput(); } // end if }; cartremoveitem = function (popcartimage) { for (i = 0; i < cartarray.length; i++) { if (cartarray[i] == popcartimage) { cartarray.splice(i, 1); break; } // end if } // end of for dooutput(); }; dooutput = function () { smod.mytf.htmlText = ""; for (i = 0; i < cartarray.length; i++) { smod.mytf.htmlText = smod.mytf.htmlText + (cartarray[i] + "
"); } // end of for }; shopcon.connect("cart"); cartb.onPress = function () { _parent.cartform(); }; stop ();  Action Layer   !"#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFHIJKLMNOPQSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz{|}~     !"#$%'()*+-./01345678:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_abcdfghijlmnopqrstuvwyz{|}      !"#$%&'()*+,-./012356789:;<=>@ABCDFGHIJKLMNOQRSTUVWXYZ\]^_`abcdefhijklmnopqstuvwxz{|}~     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<>?@ABDEFGHJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijlmnoprstuvwxy{|}~     "#$%&'()+,-./12345678:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnpqrstvwxyz{|}~     !"#$%&'()*+,-/0123456789:;<=>@ABCDEFGHIKLMNOQRSTUWXYZ[\]_`abcefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz|}~     !"#$&'()*,-./02345689:;<>?@ABDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ[\^_`abcdefghijklmnopqstuvwxyz{|}~     !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=>?@ACDEFGHIJKLMOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefhijklmnopqrstuvwxz{|}~CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape<e2Xd0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0   0 0 0  0 #0$0 0$0#? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeH0H00? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeP@P<(P<<(((P((@? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1?? Layer 2??if (configlink.length) { if (configlink[0].length) { c1 = configlink[0]; } else { c1 = configlink; } // end else if } else { c1 = "imageVue image gallery

Copyright 2004
www.imagevuex.com"; } // end else if this.onRollOver = function () { _parent.setfx("button5"); rootalias.createpopbox("n1", 998, 225, 10, c1, 0, verdanaformat); }; this.onRollOut = this.onDragOut = function () { rootalias.n1.popstop(); }; this.onPress = function () { n1.popstop(); if (configlink[1].length) { if (configlink[2].length) { getURL(configlink[1], configlink[2]); } else { getURL(configlink[1], "_blank"); } // end else if } else { getURL("http://www.imagevuex.com", "_blank"); } // end else if }; this.barstep4(); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape0<((P<((<? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol2222??2222??2222? Layer 1'('(??'('(??'('(? Layer 2?? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame?if (_global.configlink != false) { _parent._parent._parent.attachMovie("ib", "ib", 628); } // end if _parent._parent._parent.ib._x = 661; _parent._parent._parent.ib._y = 28;  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapepX00p0X? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolDD ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText (( !r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????? standard 07_53Buffering... mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeO((? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicSprite=onClipEvent (load) { setProperty("", _visible, 0); } ? Layer 1? createmask = function () { i = 0; lypos = 0; this.onEnterFrame = function () { ++i; this.attachMovie("maskpiece", "maskpiece" + i, i); if (hscale) { this["maskpiece" + i].onEnterFrame = function () { this._height = this._height + hspeed; if (this._height >= lheight) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; } else { this["maskpiece" + i]._height = lheight; } // end else if if (wscale) { this["maskpiece" + i].onEnterFrame = function () { this._width = this._width + wspeed; if (this._width >= lwidth) { this.onEnterFrame = null; } // end if }; } else { this["maskpiece" + i]._width = lwidth; } // end else if if (escale) { this["maskpiece" + i]._x = -lwidth; this["maskpiece" + i].onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + -this._x / espeed; }; } // end if this["maskpiece" + i]._y = lypos; lypos = lypos + lheight; if (i == lamount) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; createstaticmask = function () { for (i = 0; i < lamount; i++) { this.attachMovie("maskpiece", "maskpiece" + i, i); this["maskpiece" + i]._width = lwidth; this["maskpiece" + i]._height = lheight; this["maskpiece" + i]._y = lypos; lypos = lypos + lheight; } // end of for }; removemask = function () { removenum = lamount + 1; this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i = 0; i < genspeed; i++) { this["maskpiece" + removenum].removeMovieClip(); --removenum; if (removenum < 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if } // end of for }; }; removemaskstat = function () { for (i = 1; i < lamount + 2; i++) { this["maskpiece" + i].removeMovieClip(); } // end of for }; if (genspeed == undefined) { genspeed = 1; } // end if createmask(); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolPU ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape@h0000h? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShaped000p?d000?d000?d0@800? CPicSymbolDD ? Layer 1? stop (); ? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapep0p0p0? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol$? Layer 1x X4Xx=Ah3 @&XWEk’Th f#@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @^`Q۲i6m@Ѐ4 v>O3.y=t3k{n h@Ѐ40Pm6̄ˎsgf:.KmY 4 h@@ Ԭ{ͅ {m9V;s[[ 4 h@8 ̙33af^[~Վc[fNs4 h@̄ {m͝4lw]Ѐ4͝9ϾZ49 h@Ѐ40f/;O;l{ h@@xܙ㝮j{  h@Ѐ>7}.5|Hw\Ѐ4>w>;{} h@Gxٝ{v]Ѐ4a>wV[~3~>>xyWЀ40v?+|1{j@Ѐ4a}: 0p  0P0  0   0p 0P0  0 0p0P000p0P00#0p$0P0#0$? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol&? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((! !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53 mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteP<P<*lf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolt\t ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite- mainbinside? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteJ.mainb? Layer 1CPicText (hmynumr !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53888 ? Layer 3?mynumr = mynum; mainb.onRollOver = function () { _global.crow = this; _global.crowitem = "subbutton"; mynumr = "" + mynum; _parent.speed = 20; _parent._parent._parent._parent.setfx("button5"); _parent._parent.idesc = _parent._parent._parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[mynum - 1].firstChild.nodeValue; mainb._alpha = 50; _parent.targetx2 = _x; _parent.filename = _parent._parent._parent._parent.imagearray[mynum - 1]; _parent.filename = checkhideextension(_parent.filename.toUpperCase()); if (_parent._parent._xmouse >= 350) { _parent._parent.offx = -168; _parent.fnt.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent._parent.offx = 0; _parent.fnt.gotoAndStop(1); } // end else if _parent._parent.attsubthumb(mynum); _parent.filenametrace(); }; mainb.onRollOut = function () { _global.crowitem = "back"; mynumr = mynum; _parent._parent.remsubthumb(); _parent.speed = -5; _parent._parent.idesc = ""; mainb._alpha = 100; }; mainb.onDragOut = mainb.onRollOut; mainb.onPress = function () { tpress(); }; tpress = function () { _global.crowitem = "back"; mynumr = mynum; _parent._parent.remsubthumb(); if (configthumbopenwin == "popup" || configthumbopenwin) { popwindowfunc(mynum - 1, 1); } else if (configthumbopenwin == "normal") { normalwindowfunc(mynum - 1, 1); } else if (_parent._parent._parent.image ne mynum - 1) { _parent._parent._parent.image = mynum - 1; _parent._parent._parent.motion = 0; _parent._parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } // end else if }; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING ? ((X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING. ? ((X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING.. ? ((dX !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING... ? ((X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING.. ? ((X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63LOADING. ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite8? Layer 18? Layer 3CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING ? ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING. ? ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING.. ? ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING... ? ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING.. ? ((D !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53LOADING. ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText C((!myt !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53[154] ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolA'L? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape@dPdddd? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape@dP<dP? 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Dummy LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape̙0 0H0? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapex(((? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShaped00@0(@p000h? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeP000p P000p? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol((W? Layer 1?((Y??4Z??((Y? Layer 2X? Layer 3? stop (); ? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape(P((<? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol\? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolW? Layer 1?Y??4Z??Y? Layer 2 CPicSprite]clip? Layer 3? stop (); ? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol  ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol ? Layer 1?stop (); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapexP? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape(<<Pdd? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapex((P((? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbola?b?c? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((d !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53 mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite_backdrop? Layer 1((`iconback? Layer 3P<P<dicon? Layer 5@@fmytext? Layer 7CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapep00p0P00 0`? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolh? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapefb000X? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape(x<? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShaped<? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolk?l? Layer 1? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolj? Layer 1 CPicSpritemicon? Layer 2CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape ;hAx020000c ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape <l? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolq? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((!_parent.filename !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53 mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? Dummy LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape$dP(? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolw? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText (( ! _parent.countX !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~??????????????????? kroeger 05_63COUNTING... ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritel4!l4!vmulti? Masked Layer 2 - 1 CPicSymbolo? Mask Layer 1 H5!H5!y(onClipEvent (load) { dir = 1; } srbutt? Layer 11!!ymonClipEvent (load) { mysound = new Sound(this); mysound.attachSound("scroll"); dir = -1; } slbutt? Layer 17lt"lt"{counting? Layer 23?Sattsubthumb = function (eNum) { checkstageh(); if (stagehigh) { attachMovie("newsubthumb2", "subthumb", 1); } else { attachMovie("newsubthumb", "subthumb", 1); } // end else if subthumb.mynum = eNum; subthumb._y = 413; twfunc(eNum); subthumb._x = Math.round(_xmouse - _xmouse / 640 * twide); subthumb.onMouseMove = function () { this._x = Math.round(_xmouse - _xmouse / 640 * twide); updateAfterEvent(); }; }; remsubthumb = function () { delete subthumb.onMouseMove; subthumb.remload(); }; twfunc = function (eNum) { owide = _parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[eNum - 1].attributes.width; oheight = _parent._parent.image.firstChild.childNodes[eNum - 1].attributes.height; if (owide / oheight >= 1.333333E+000) { theight = Math.round(oheight / (owide / 158)); twide = 158; } else { twide = Math.round(owide / (oheight / 118)); theight = 118; } // end else if }; checkstageh = function () { if (Stage.height > 680 && configsubbuttons == "below") { _global.stagehigh = true; } else { _global.stagehigh = false; } // end else if }; counting.globalcol(); srbutt.globalcol(); slbutt.globalcol(); stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteL}dragb? Layer 1eeai? Layer 3?odragb.onPress = function () { this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.dragitem(); }; dragb.onRelease = function () { this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.navihead.khead(_parent._parent.display, "", 3, 5); delete _parent.onMouseMove; }; dragb.onReleaseOutside = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); _parent.navihead.khead(_parent._parent.display, "", 3, 5); delete _parent.onMouseMove; }; dragb.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.draghandfunc(); _parent.navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasdrag.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 20); }; dragb.onRollOut = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); _parent.navihead.khead(_parent._parent.display, "", 3, 5); }; dragb.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; dragb.useHandCursor = false; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite~cdrag? Layer 1,,*navihead? Layer 5?funcarray = new Array("previousfunc", "nextfunc", "thumbtoggle", "motiontoggle", "popwindowfunc", "normalwindowfunc", "sfxtoggle"); togglearray = new Array(false, false, true, true, false, false, true); if (_global.configslideshow) { funcarray.push("sstoggle"); } // end if presstoggle = new Array(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); activearray = new Array(); setbuttons = function () { for (i = 1; i < funcarray.length + 1; i++) { if (confignavigation[i - 1]) { this[funcarray[i - 1]] = attachMovie("ncb", "ncb" + i, i); activearray.push(i); this["ncb" + i].globalcol(configtextcol); this["ncb" + i].icon.gotoAndStop(i); this["ncb" + i].ncbstate(i); lastitem = i; } // end if } // end of for xpos = 0; bw = Math.round((158 - (activearray.length - 1)) / activearray.length); xpro = bw + 1; for (i = 0; i < activearray.length; i++) { this["ncb" + activearray[i]].butt._width = bw; this["ncb" + activearray[i]].icon._x = this["ncb" + activearray[i]].icon._x + Math.round((bw - 23) / 2); this["ncb" + activearray[i]]._x = xpos; this["ncb" + activearray[i]]._y = 14; xpos = xpos + xpro; } // end of for cdrag.dragb._width = this._width; }; MovieClip.prototype.ncbstate = function (i) { this.onPress = function () { this._parent._parent[funcarray[i - 1]](); if (presstoggle[i - 1]) { navihead.khead(_parent.controlarray[i - 1].toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5, false, false); } // end if }; this.onRollOver = function () { this.butt.mfade({_alpha: 30}, 2); navihead.khead(_parent.controlarray[i - 1].toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5, false, false); setfx("button5"); }; this.onRollOut = function () { if (this.active) { trace ("bactive"); this.butt.mfade({_alpha: 45}, 2); } else { this.butt.mfade({_alpha: 15}, 2); } // end else if navihead.khead(_parent.display, "", 3, 5); }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; }; navihead.mytf.autoSize = true; setbuttons();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((  Verdana mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape Z0<0 0? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbold ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapedX000d? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? CPicShaped0X00?d0X00?d0X00?d0X00? CPicSymbol? Layer 1? stop (); ? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeH0H00? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape00H0H?00H0H?00H0H?00H0H? CPicSymbol? Layer 1? stop (); ? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol4Z? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite?? Layer 1? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteback? Layer 1frame? Layer 3<)<)myarrow? Layer 5CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText (*! !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53 mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape3f000? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol^ ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeH0H00<<P00h0h? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1 CPicSpritesbro? Layer 2 dscroll? Layer 4CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolDD  ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapedd<d? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape ddd<d? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapedd<dd<d? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapedd(d<dddPd? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol ????? Layer 1? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteequ1? Layer 1PPequ2? Layer 3equ3? Layer 5equ4? Layer 7@@equ5? Layer 9?Ieqrun = function () { this.onEnterFrame = function () { for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) { move = random(3) - 1; this["equ" + i].gotoAndStop(this["equ" + i]._currentframe + this.move); } // end of for }; }; eqstop = function () { delete this.onEnterFrame; };  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritep`*p`invb? Layer 1ll equalizer? Layer 3CPicText !r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????? standard 07_53Audio at? Layer 13?invb.onRollOver = function () { setfx("ns5", 0, 40); attachMovie("volumecontrol", "volumecontrol", 1); volumecontrol.mset({_x: -140, _y: 4, _alpha: 0}); volumecontrol.melastic({_alpha: 100, _x: -95 - at.textWidth}, 4.000000E-001, 9.000000E-001, false); invb.mset({_x: -148, _y: -8, _width: 214, _height: 22, _alpha: 0}); }; invb.onRollOut = function () { volumecontrol.mfade({_alpha: 0, _x: -340}, 2, true); invb.mset({_x: -7, _y: -8, _width: 60, _height: 22, _alpha: 0}, 2); }; invb.onReleaseOutside = invb.onRollOut; at.text = rootalias.aliasaudio; at.autoSize = true; at._x = 21 - at.textWidth; at.autoSize = true; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapehh00h0h? Layer 1wP(((? Layer 2CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 2CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((! !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53333 mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpritefield? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape0000(0? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape3p000 ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShaped000? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape 000 (c002? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbolPU ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape@<? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite? Layer 1CPicText T(?$ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53PHILLIPINES mytf? Layer 3 CPicSymbol? Layer 4CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape0p0P0`0 00?0p0P00P0p0? CPicSymbolZ? Layer 1 ?? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape3 000? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape$P(? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1 CPicSprite((((? Layer 2CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1 CPicSprite((((bar? Layer 2 field? Layer 4CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? Dummy LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape3cd00@`0? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ~((M1!r !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????? h DesertDogHmk mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite((mheadi? Masked Layer 2 - 1 CPicSymbol? Mask Layer 1 ? Layer 5?this.globalcol(_global.configtextcol); htext = configstartheading; if (htext == false) { this.swapDepths(999); this.removeMovieClip(); } else { this.mheadi.khead(htext, "", 3, 1, true); } // end else if  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((2!X !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`{|}~???????????????????k kroeger 05_63IF YOU ARE USING A CUSTOM FONT (EX. PIXEL FONT), YOU NEED TO EMBED THE CORRECT CHARTERS IN THIS TEXTFIELD mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite`bback? Layer 1pinvHit? Layer 3CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? Dummy Layer CPicSprite? ,,? Layer 1? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapef "0000? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol? Layer 1 CPicSpriteuLuL? Layer 2?_parent.dragupdate = function () { if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.topmc) || this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.main.topmc)) { if (ht == 0) { _parent._parent._parent.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 50}, 3); _parent._parent._parent.main.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 50}, 3); ht = 1; } // end if } else if (ht == 1) { _parent._parent._parent.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); _parent._parent._parent.main.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); ht = 0; } // end else if }; this.onPress = function () { ht = 0; this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.dragitem(); }; this.onRelease = function () { delete _parent.onMouseMove; this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(1); _parent._parent._parent.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); _parent._parent._parent.main.topmc.mfade({_alpha: 100}, 3); if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.topmc)) { _parent.trigmove(_parent._x, 29, 8.000000E-001); } else if (this.hitTest(_parent._parent._parent.main.topmc)) { _parent.trigmove(_parent._x, 29, 8.000000E-001); } // end else if }; this.onReleaseOutside = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); delete _parent.onMouseMove; }; this.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.draghandfunc(); _parent.minmax.tft.text = _parent.minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.aliasdrag.toUpperCase(); }; this.onRollOut = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); _parent.minmax.tft.text = _parent.minmax.tfb.text = rootalias.mainmenu.toUpperCase(); }; this.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; this.useHandCursor = false; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShapeWxh0P? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteooy? Masked Layer 2 - 1 CPicSymbol? Mask Layer 1 CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprited0dinvback? Layer 1CPicText ' ! !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53MAIN MENU tft? Layer 3roanim? Layer 4?,tft.autoSize = true; tfb.autoSize = true;  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite=onClipEvent (load) { setProperty("", _visible, 0); } linkageexports?DDimenu? Layer 1?? stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicShape3hX>00d0@8? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSymbol.:/ ? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? Dummy LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite'tnds? Layer 1tdl? Layer 3CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? Dummy LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSpriteL}dragb? Layer 1eeai? Layer 3?dragb.onPress = function () { this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.dragitem(); }; dragb.onRelease = function () { this._parent.draghand.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5); delete _parent.onMouseMove; }; dragb.onReleaseOutside = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); _parent.navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5); delete _parent.onMouseMove; }; dragb.onRollOver = function () { this._parent.draghandfunc(); _parent.navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasdrag.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 20); gotoAndPlay(2); }; dragb.onRollOut = function () { Mouse.show(); this._parent.draghand.removeMovieClip(); _parent.navihead.khead(rootalias.aliasimage.toUpperCase(), "", 3, 5); gotoAndPlay(5); }; dragb.onDragOut = this.onRollOut; dragb.useHandCursor = false; stop ();  Action LayerCPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrameCPicText ((! !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~??????????????????????????? kroeger 05_53IMAGE mytf? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame CPicSprite*4*4dragger? Layer 1CPicPage CPicLayer CPicFrame? if (configtransitions == "shine") { transin = function () { mytcol = new Color(_parent.mytarget); col = 100; this.onEnterFrame = function () { col = col + 50; col2 = col2 + 5; mytcol.setTransform({ra: col, ga: col, ba: col, rb: col2, gb: col2, bb: col2}); if (col >= 500) { this.attachMovie("whiteblanc", "whiteblanc", 1); this.whiteblanc._x = -320; this.whiteblanc._y = -180; _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; transout = function () { this.whiteblanc.removeMovieClip(); mytcol = new Color(_parent.mytarget); col = 500; col2 = 40; this.onEnterFrame = function () { col = col - 50; col2 = col2 - 5; mytcol.setTransform({ra: col, ga: col, ba: col}); if (col <= 100) { _parent.nutop._x = 650 - _parent.testlength; _parent.nutop.khead(_parent.nutopText, "", 3, 10); col = 100; col2 = 0; mytcol.setTransform({ra: col, ga: col, ba: col, rb: col2, gb: col2, bb: col2}); _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; } else if (configtransitions == "whitetint") { transin = function () { this.attachMovie("whiteblanc", "whiteblanc", 1); this.whiteblanc._alpha = 0; this.whiteblanc._x = -320; this.whiteblanc._y = -180; this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.whiteblanc._alpha = this.whiteblanc._alpha + 10; if (this.whiteblanc._alpha >= 100) { _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); delete this.onEnterFrame; } // end if }; }; transout = function () { mytcol = new Color(_parent.mytarget); col = 100; col2 = 0; mytcol.setTransform({ra: col, ga: col, ba: col, rb: col2, gb: col2, bb: col2}); this.onEnterFrame = function () { this.whiteblanc._alpha = this.whiteblanc._alpha - 10; if (this.whiteblanc._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.whiteblanc.removeMovieClip(); _parent.nutop._x = 650 - _parent.testlength; _parent.nutop.khead(_parent.nutopText, "", 3, 10); _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); } // end if }; }; } else { transin = function () { _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); }; transout = function () { mytcol = new Color(_parent.mytarget); col = 100; col2 = 0; mytcol.setTransform({ra: col, ga: col, ba: col, rb: col2, gb: col2, bb: col2}); _parent.nutop._x = 650 - _parent.testlength; _parent.nutop.khead(_parent.nutopText, "", 3, 10); _parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1); }; } // end else if transin();  Action Layer8 CDocumentPagePage 1Scene 1,D,DSymbol 1shape 1,Dshape 1,DSymbol 2sprite 2 (newShadowMC),D newShadowMCsprite 2 (newShadowMC),DSymbol 3shape 3,Dshape 3,DSymbol 4shape 4,Dshape 4,DSymbol 5 sprite 5 (ib),Dib sprite 5 (ib),DSymbol 6shape 6,Dshape 6,DSymbol 7sprite 7 (menuactive),D menuactivesprite 7 (menuactive),DSymbol 8 sprite 8 (ix),Dix sprite 8 (ix),DSymbol 9shape 9 ,D shape 9,D Symbol 10sprite 10 (whiteblanc) ,D  whiteblancsprite 10 (whiteblanc),D Symbol 11sprite 13 (atext),Datextsprite 13 (atext),D Symbol 12shape 14,Dshape 14,D Symbol 13sprite 15 (marrow),Dmarrowsprite 15 (marrow),D Symbol 14shape 16,Dshape 16,D Symbol 15sprite 17 (maskpiece),D maskpiecesprite 17 (maskpiece),D Symbol 16sprite 18 (txtmask),Dtxtmasksprite 18 (txtmask),D Symbol 17 sprite 19,D sprite 19,D Symbol 18 sprite 20,D sprite 20,D Symbol 19shape 21,Dshape 21,D Symbol 20 sprite 22,D sprite 22,D Symbol 21 sprite 25,D sprite 25,D Symbol 22 sprite 26,D sprite 26,D Symbol 23shape 27,Dshape 27,D Symbol 24 sprite 28,D sprite 28,D Symbol 25shape 30,Dshape 30,D Symbol 26 sprite 31 ,D  sprite 31,D Symbol 27 sprite 32!,D! sprite 32,D Symbol 28 sprite 33",D" sprite 33,D Symbol 29 sprite 34#,D# sprite 34,D Symbol 30 sprite 35$,D$ sprite 35,D Symbol 31 sprite 36%,D% sprite 36,D Symbol 32shape 37&,D&shape 37,D Symbol 33 sprite 38',D' sprite 38,D Symbol 34 sprite 41*,D* sprite 41,D Symbol 35 sprite 42+,D+ sprite 42,D Symbol 36sprite 43 (newsubthumb),,D, newsubthumbsprite 43 (newsubthumb),D Symbol 37 sprite 44-,D- sprite 44,D Symbol 38 sprite 45.,D. sprite 45,D Symbol 39sprite 47 (multibutton0)0,D0 multibutton0sprite 47 (multibutton0),D Symbol 40 sprite 558,D8 sprite 55,D Symbol 41sprite 56 (newloading)9,D9 newloadingsprite 56 (newloading),D Symbol 42sprite 63 (thumbpreloader)@,D@thumbpreloadersprite 63 (thumbpreloader),D Symbol 43sprite 65 (foldernum)B,DB foldernumsprite 65 (foldernum),D Symbol 44 sprite 66C,DC sprite 66,D Symbol 45shape 67D,DDshape 67,D Symbol 46shape 68E,DEshape 68,D Symbol 47shape 69F,DFshape 69,D Symbol 48shape 70G,DGshape 70,D Symbol 49shape 71H,DHshape 71,D Symbol 50shape 72I,DIshape 72,D Symbol 51shape 73J,DJshape 73,D Symbol 52shape 74K,DKshape 74,D Symbol 53 sprite 75L,DL sprite 75,D Symbol 54sprite 76 (ncb)M,DMncbsprite 76 (ncb),D Symbol 55shape 77N,DNshape 77,D Symbol 56shape 78O,DOshape 78,D Symbol 57sprite 79 (draghand)P,DPdraghandsprite 79 (draghand),D Symbol 58sprite 82 (testtext)S,DStesttextsprite 82 (testtext),D Symbol 59 sprite 83T,DT sprite 83,D Symbol 60 sprite 84U,DU sprite 84,D Symbol 61sprite 85 (thumbtarget)V,DV thumbtargetsprite 85 (thumbtarget),D Symbol 62shape 86W,DWshape 86,D Symbol 63shape 87X,DXshape 87,D Symbol 64shape 88Y,DYshape 88,D Symbol 65shape 89Z,DZshape 89,D Symbol 66sprite 90 (newthumbcached)[,D[newthumbcachedsprite 90 (newthumbcached),D Symbol 67shape 91\,D\shape 91,D Symbol 68 sprite 92],D] sprite 92,D Symbol 69sprite 93 (newthumbactive)^,D^newthumbactivesprite 93 (newthumbactive),D Symbol 70 sprite 94_,D_ sprite 94,D Symbol 71 sprite 95`,D` sprite 95,D Symbol 72shape 96a,Dashape 96,D Symbol 73shape 97b,Dbshape 97,D Symbol 74shape 98c,Dcshape 98,D Symbol 75 sprite 99d,Dd sprite 99,D Symbol 76 sprite 101f,Df sprite 101,D Symbol 77sprite 102 (newthumbinfo)g,Dg newthumbinfosprite 102 (newthumbinfo),D Symbol 78 shape 103h,Dh shape 103,D Symbol 79sprite 104 (newoutlines)i,Di newoutlinessprite 104 (newoutlines),D Symbol 80 shape 105j,Dj shape 105,D Symbol 81 shape 106k,Dk shape 106,D Symbol 82 shape 107l,Dl shape 107,D Symbol 83 sprite 108m,Dm sprite 108,D Symbol 84sprite 109 (altnav)n,Dnaltnavsprite 109 (altnav),D Symbol 85 shape 110o,Do shape 110,D Symbol 86 sprite 111p,Dp sprite 111,D Symbol 87 shape 112q,Dq shape 112,D Symbol 88 sprite 113r,Dr sprite 113,D Symbol 89 sprite 115t,Dt sprite 115,D Symbol 90 sprite 116u,Du sprite 116,D Symbol 91 sprite 117v,Dv sprite 117,D Symbol 92 shape 118w,Dw shape 118,D Symbol 93 sprite 119x,Dx sprite 119,D Symbol 94 sprite 120y,Dy sprite 120,D Symbol 95 sprite 122{,D{ sprite 122,D Symbol 96sprite 123 (multibuttons)|,D| multibuttonssprite 123 (multibuttons),D Symbol 97 sprite 124},D} sprite 124,D Symbol 98 sprite 125~,D~ sprite 125,D Symbol 99sprite 126 (newcontrols),D newcontrolssprite 126 (newcontrols),D Symbol 100sprite 128 (checktf),Dchecktfsprite 128 (checktf),D Symbol 101 shape 129,D shape 129,D Symbol 102 sprite 130,D sprite 130,D Symbol 103 shape 133,D shape 133,D Symbol 104 sprite 134,D sprite 134,D Symbol 105 shape 137,D shape 137,D Symbol 106 sprite 138,D sprite 138,D Symbol 107 sprite 139,D sprite 139,D Symbol 108 sprite 140,D sprite 140,D Symbol 109 sprite 141,D sprite 141,D Symbol 110 sprite 143,D sprite 143,D Symbol 111 shape 147,D shape 147,D Symbol 112 sprite 148,D sprite 148,D Symbol 113 shape 149,D shape 149,D Symbol 114 sprite 150,D sprite 150,D Symbol 115 sprite 151,D sprite 151,D Symbol 116 sprite 152,D sprite 152,D Symbol 117sprite 153 (newdescription),Dnewdescriptionsprite 153 (newdescription),D Symbol 118sprite 154 (folderdescback),Dfolderdescbacksprite 154 (folderdescback),D Symbol 119 sprite 155,D sprite 155,D Symbol 120 shape 156,D shape 156,D Symbol 121 shape 157,D shape 157,D Symbol 122 shape 158,D shape 158,D Symbol 123 shape 159,D shape 159,D Symbol 124 sprite 160,D sprite 160,D Symbol 125 sprite 161,D sprite 161,D Symbol 126 sprite 163,D sprite 163,D Symbol 127 shape 164,D shape 164,D Symbol 128 sprite 165,D sprite 165,D Symbol 129sprite 166 (audioplayer),D audioplayersprite 166 (audioplayer),D Symbol 130sprite 167 (newsubthumb2),D newsubthumb2sprite 167 (newsubthumb2),D Symbol 131 sprite 169,D sprite 169,D Symbol 132sprite 170 (loadfield),D loadfieldsprite 170 (loadfield),D Symbol 133 shape 171,D shape 171,D Symbol 134sprite 172 (inputback),D inputbacksprite 172 (inputback),D Symbol 135 sprite 173,D sprite 173,D Symbol 136 sprite 174,D sprite 174,D Symbol 137 shape 175,D shape 175,D Symbol 138 sprite 176,D sprite 176,D Symbol 139 shape 179,D shape 179,D Symbol 140 sprite 180,D sprite 180,D Symbol 141 shape 181,D shape 181,D Symbol 142 sprite 182,D sprite 182,D Symbol 143sprite 184 (volumecontrol),D volumecontrolsprite 184 (volumecontrol),D Symbol 144 shape 186,D shape 186,D Symbol 145sprite 187 (namemc),Dnamemcsprite 187 (namemc),D Symbol 146sprite 189 (newoutlinesfat),Dnewoutlinesfatsprite 189 (newoutlinesfat),D Symbol 147 shape 190,D shape 190,D Symbol 148 shape 191,D shape 191,D Symbol 149 sprite 192,D sprite 192,D Symbol 150sprite 193 (naviclose),D naviclosesprite 193 (naviclose),D Symbol 151 sprite 194,D sprite 194,D Symbol 152 sprite 195,D sprite 195,D Symbol 153 sprite 196,D sprite 196,D Symbol 154 shape 197,D shape 197,D Symbol 155 sprite 200,D sprite 200,D Symbol 156 sprite 201,D sprite 201,D Symbol 157sprite 203 (menufield),D menufieldsprite 203 (menufield),D Symbol 158sprite 204 (mainbutton),D mainbuttonsprite 204 (mainbutton),D Symbol 159 sprite 206,D sprite 206,D Symbol 160 shape 207,D shape 207,D Symbol 161 sprite 208,D sprite 208,D Symbol 162 shape 210,D shape 210,D Symbol 163 sprite 211,D sprite 211,D Symbol 164 sprite 212,D sprite 212,D Symbol 165 sprite 213,D sprite 213,D Symbol 166 sprite 214,D sprite 214,D Symbol 167 sprite 215,D sprite 215,D Symbol 168 shape 216,D shape 216,D Symbol 169 sprite 217,D sprite 217,D Symbol 170 sprite 218,D sprite 218,D Symbol 171 sprite 219,D sprite 219,D Symbol 172 sprite 220,D sprite 220,D Symbol 173 sprite 221,D sprite 221,D Symbol 174 sprite 222,D sprite 222,D Symbol 175 sprite 224,D sprite 224,D Symbol 176 sprite 225,D sprite 225,D Symbol 177 sprite 226,D sprite 226,D Symbol 178 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